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Following their conversation in the dining-car, the girl her name was Kay Parker had continued her luncheon, her mind busy with thoughts of this strange home-bound ex-soldier who had so signally challenged her attention. "There's breeding back of that man," the girl mused. "He's only a rancher's son from the San Gregorio; where did he acquire his drawing-room manners?"

We were a group of American destroyers convoying twenty home-bound British steamers. There was one ship, a P. & O. liner, a great specimen of camouflaging. She was the only ship in the convoy that was camouflaged, and she rode in stately style two lengths out in front of the others. All of which made her a prominent object.

Their music in those days was all in their own manuscript, copied in the evenings after work, and their music-books were home-bound.

All home-bound vessels have money on board; give up yours quietly, and depart in the devil's name whither you will." The captain repeated his silly denial, and enraged the pirate still further. "Well," he said with frightful calmness, "if you will not give up the money, I will throw your cargo overboard, and search for it myself.

On October 29 he is sent prisoner to England on the home-bound ships of Bond and Lucas. His two companion spies are marooned for the winter on Charlton Island. As well try, however, to maroon a bird on the wing as a French wood-runner. The men fished and snared game so diligently that by September they had full store of provisions for escape.

About four o'clock l'Encuerado called us to dinner, and by sunset we started, home-bound, each with his allotted burden over his shoulder. Sumichrast, with Lucien following, led the way. "Well, Master Sunbeam, you are nearly as much lost in the stalks here as you were in the forest. Are your boots well greased? We shall have many days of hard walking." "Where are all the wild cattle and horses?"

Hugh got into his home-bound train at four o'clock and went into the smoking car. The somewhat distorted and twisted fragment of thoughts that had all day been playing through his mind stayed with him. "What difference does it make if the new parts I have ordered for the machine have to be thrown away?" he thought. "If I never complete the machine, it's all right.

But O was obdurate; buoyed up, I imagine, with the prospect of movement and of causing some little trouble at home. As the weather had grown unusually hot, I booked at his own suggestion a luxurious cabin on a home-bound liner and engaged a valet for the journey.

Now, there's nothing I would like better than to drop in at the Kappa Delta Phi, but some other time!" We said our farewells and boarded a home-bound car. We had a rabbit on upper Broadway, and then I parted with Rivington on a street corner. "Well, anyhow," said he, braced and recovered, "it couldn't have happened anywhere but in little old New York."

As we were motoring home we live some thirty miles out of London we discussed the dinner party, according to the way of married folks, home-bound after a feast, and I mentioned the trivial incident of Adrian and the broken glass. Why should his face have been so haggard when he had everything to make him happy? "He was thinking of Mr. Jornicroft's previous insulting behaviour." "How do you know?"