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Bretton. "It is all nonsense, my pet," cried Mr. Home. And Graham once more snatched her aloft, and she again punished him; and while she pulled his lion's locks, termed him "The naughtiest, rudest, worst, untruest person that ever was." On the morning of Mr. Home's departure, he and his daughter had some conversation in a window-recess by themselves; I heard part of it.

At that time his English patrons included the Viscount Adare and the Master of Lindsay, who have since become respectively the Earl of Dunraven and the Earl of Crawford. The opening of a window was then heard, and the next moment, to the amazement of all three, they perceived Home's form floating in the dim moonlight outside the window of the room in which they were seated.

There was his home's veranda with bunches of bananas hanging in the shade, and a basket of cocoa-nuts below. Comale hastened in, out of breath, yet trying to act as if nothing ailed him. Pidura was safe! He saw her. He found his mother and the baby in another room. Comale drew a long breath, and tried to stop trembling. His little brothers were in the street.

"I'm in good time, I hope?" said the lame man. "Oh yes, they're on'y 'alf through their tea yet. Miss Home's bin singin' to 'em." The lame man's body was very thin and not very strong, but his face was particularly handsome and grave, with a strange mingling of humour and sadness in his expression.

At all such times as these did Charlotte Home's mind and thoughts refer back to her mother's story, and again and again the idea returned that a great, great wrong had been done. In the winter when this story opens, poverty came very close to the little household.

I want nothing to be done during those months. Afterwards afterwards I will promise, if necessary sign any legal paper you bring to me, that all that should have been hers shall be Charlotte Home's I restore it all! Oh, how swiftly and how gladly! All I plead for are those few months." Wilson was silent. Charlotte suddenly looking at him almost lost her self-control.

Alas, Dr. In 1890, in Proceedings of the S.P.R., Sir William Crookes published full contemporary accounts, noted by himself, of his experiments on Home in 1871, with elaborate mechanical tests as to alteration of weights; and recorded Home's feats in handling red-hot coals, and communicating the power of doing so to others, and to a fine cambric handkerchief on which a piece of red-hot charcoal lay some time.

Loftie's Brief Account of Westminster Abbey. Parker's Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. Stanley's Memorials of Westminster Abbey. Kimball's An English Cathedral Journey. Singleton's How to Visit the English Cathedrals. Home's What to See in England. Boynton's London in English Literature. Garnett and Gosse's English Literature, 4 vols. Morley's English Writers, 11 vols.

For a long while after the date of the now historical Rochester Rappings, the manifestations were mostly individual, and in a great degree limited to such exercises as Mr. Home's elongation, Mrs. Guppy's flight from Highbury to Lamb's Conduit Street, or, more recently still, the voices and manipulations of John and Katie King, the orations of Mrs. Hardinge, Mr. Morse, and Mrs. Tappan.

The table with the evening lamp "the home's lighthouse" and the family circle complete about it, are an almost unknown experience in the life of the average American child.