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"Morris got me in once," she said, "and I thought meetin' was left out half a dozen times, so much histin' round as there was. I'd as soon go to a show, if it was a good one, and I told Morris so.

"That's just what I thought," responded Ellen. "Yes, they are shoveling the dirt out again," declared the girl. For quite a while the two stood watching the frenzied movements of their neighbors. Then Ellen gave a cry. "See! See!" she ejaculated. "They're histin' the bag out. Did you ever see such doin's? I'd give my soul to know what they're up to.

For these men, every one on 'em, would act like fury if their house wuzn't clean and their clothes in order, and meals on time. And you must know it would jest about kill a woman to be doin' all this and histin' herself up and down a hundred times a day, and mebby half dead with rumatiz too. Why, it would be worse for me than all the rest of my work, and you hadn't ort to ask it of me."

"No, I said to you, Samantha, that in our conversation we would leave out the orts, fifty dollars wuz what I meant. But as I said this is what I've thought when my brain wuz fired with ambition and glory of histin' the name of Allen up where it ort to be and will be.

Glover was used up; he was trembling from head to foot with fatigue; he had reached shore just in time to fall on it instead of into the river. "Ye'd make a purty soldier," scoffed Sweeny, a habitual chaffer, like most Irishmen. "It was the histin' that busted me," gasped the skipper. "I can't handle a ton o' water." "Godamighty made ye already busted, I'm a thinkin'," retorted Sweeny.

"I thought me frind Casey 'd be taken up f'r histin' a polisman f'r sure, though, to be fair with him, I niver knowed him to do but wan arnychist thing, and that was to make faces at Willum Joyce because he lived in a two-story an' bay-window brick house. Doolan said that was goin' too far, because Willum Joyce usually had th' price. Wan day Casey disappeared, an' I heerd he was married.

The well-water was hard, with a tang of iron. The spring soft, and less cold for its journey to the barn. "Where did you get this water?" "Help yourself. There's plenty more." "Becky, where did this water come from? Out o' the well?" Becky gave a snort of exasperation. "Sam Lewis brought it from the barn! I'm too lame to be histin' buckets.

"A preacher that can jine a man when he's histin' liquor into him, without jawin' about it, ought to be allowed to wrestle with sinners and splash about in as much cold water as he likes," was the criticism of one of his converts. Nevertheless, it was true that Father Wynn was somewhat loud and intolerant in his tolerance.

He's a good man some ways, Tex is. But he can't keep off the booze." Kicking his feet from the stirrups the man stood upright in his saddle and peered over the top of an intervening pile of lumber. "Yes, I thought so. His horse is over in front of the Headquarters. Him an' Cinnabar Joe's prob'ly holdin' a booze histin' contest of their own."

I'd think nawthin' iv histin' th' ball two hundherd feet in th' air, an' wanst I give it such a boost that I stove in th' ribs iv th' Prowtestant minister bad luck to him, he was a kind man that was lookin' on fr'm a hedge. I was th' finest player in th' whole county, I was so.