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In fact, five highballs would be a bully good notion." Curtis had seized the opportunity while Hermione was in her room before dinner to rub the blood-stained sleeve of the overcoat with a wet cloth.

These minions of the sacred law were openly served with highballs, and laughed at the Constitution of the United States, the while they drank. Everyone at that party was loud in denunciation of Prohibition and what has come in its wake, yet went on dancing with the casual remark that it was of no consequence that they broke the law, since everyone was doing it and everyone always would.

'Quite possibly, continued McCay, 'he has told her that he will win this championship. 'If Archie's mutt enough to have told her that, said Sigsbee decidedly, 'he deserves all he gets. Waiter, two Scotch highballs. McCay was in no mood to subscribe to this stony-hearted view. 'I tell you, he said, 'I'm sorry for Archie! I'm sorry for the poor old chap. And I'm more than sorry for the girl.

Let's get one of these taxicab things and see if we can't run it to death. "I never found the limit yet on one of those gasmeter attachments, an' I am the inquisitive soul. Line out to Claremont or some of those foolish places. Sure, we'll start early, about noon, and enjoy the beautiful Spring-air and highballs. Are you on? Sure I'll be there with my hair in a braid.

What do you think? Me for that summer resort gag Oh! fine! I fell for a Saratoga set-back this summer but never no more for mine. At night I used to sit up with the rest of the social push and drink highballs to make me sick, so I could drink Saratoga water in the morning to make me well. That's what is called reciprocity, because it works both ways against the middle.

Around them was the storm of highballs and brandy and club soda, theatrical talk, and a confused mass of cigar-smoke, shirt-fronts, white shoulders, and drab waiters; yet here was a quiet refuge for the eternal force of life....

When Jean Forette, whose month was not quite up and who had not yet completed arrangements for his new position, alighted from the Shore Express at Lakeside and made his way-afoot and not in a machine to the Three Pines, the picturesque figure of the Southern gentleman followed. "I wonder," mused Colonel Ashley, "whether he takes Scotch Highballs or absinthe, and what dope he mixes with it?

Old Ned Purvis wires that he's, going to blow in to town to-night at seven." Forthwith Mr. Sims fell to ordering dinner for the three of us in a private room, with enough of an assortment of gin cocktails and Scotch highballs to run a distillery, and enough Vichy water and imported soda for a bath. "I know old Ned!" he said as he added item after item to the list.

They indulged in animated discussions, argued points of deep reasoning, and in moments of relaxation they indulged in games that demanded skill and intellect. Tim Fisher's friends were noisy and boisterous. They mixed highballs. They danced to music played so loud that it made the house throb. They watched the fights on television and argued with more volume than logic.

Cocktails, at first repellent, have at last become palatable to me. I drink highballs for breakfast. I am saved. This is peculiarly an age where novelists pride themselves on the breadth of their outlook and the courage with which they refuse to ignore the realities of life; and never before have authors had such scope in the matter of the selection of heroes.