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His daughter Ethel had, by means of no uncertain favouritism, advanced a few points ahead of her mother, and might have ranked as sergeant in the family corps. Mrs. Harbin played cards, drank highballs, flirted with the younger officers, got talked about with pleasing emphasis, and was as happy as any subordinate could be.

A prodigal display Kenny in his shifting periods of affluence was always prodigal but there had never been cups enough with handles in the littered closet, Garry recalled, until Brian inspired had bought too many bouillon cups, figuring that one handle always would be left; Kenny could not remember to buy a teapot when he could and made tea in a chafing dish; and he had been known to serve highballs in vases.

James B. Coulson was almost as much at home at the Grand Hotel, Paris, as he had been at the Savoy in London. His headquarters were at the American Bar, where he approved of the cocktails, patronized the highballs, and continually met fellow-countrymen with whom he gossiped and visited various places of amusement.

Sit down and confide the brand of your particular favorite poison to our Japanese Dionysius!" The Captain sighed with relief, as he obeyed. "Bar whiskey is good enough for an old timer like me. Don't tell me you have the blues your face isn't built that way!" "Gospel truth, Captain. I've been loafing around this club nothing to do for a month. Bridge, handball, highballs, and yarns!

Ah Ha served cocktails around, and was kept busy, for Hancock and Froelig followed along. Terrence impartially drank stiff highballs of whatever liquor the immobile-faced Chinese elected to serve him, and discoursed fatherly to Leo on the iniquities and abominations of the flowing bowl. Oh My entered, a folded note in his hand, and looked about in doubt as to whom to give it.

"To hell with his report. Let him say what he likes. Put this to him straight: that he and I can't stay in this town and both of us live." Wally had lapped up too many highballs in the past ten years to relish this kind of a mission. He had depressed his nerves with overmuch tobacco and spurred them with liquors, had dissipated his force in many small riotings. His nerve was gone.

Shortly before the war, it seems, an American business man who had amassed a fortune in the export business, and who was noted even in down-town New York as a hustler, was returning from a business trip to China. In the smoking-room of the home ward bound liner, over the highballs and cigars, he listened to the stories of an Englishman who had been hunting big game in Asia.

Schwirtz chuckled about his defeat and boasted of it to the group on the porch. "I was afraid," he told her, "I was going to find this farm kinda tame. Usually expect a few more good fellows and highballs in mine, but thanks to you, little sister, looks like I'll have a bigger time than a high-line poker Party."

"I'm not ashamed of being congratulated. Are you? But if you're so finicky about it, I'll do the telephoning myself." Whereupon Mr. Mix went back to his room, and drank two highballs, and communed with himself until long past midnight.

"I've been scolding Rod terribly; those boys had highballs or something before they came here," Rose said, puckering her lips and shaking her head as she carefully pinned a scarf over her pretty hair. "So silly! That's what we were talking about on the stairs." She tripped away on Rodney's arm. Alvah, complaining of a splitting head, went off alone.