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At the "nineteenth hole," over tea and highballs, the Van Winkle twins made humble confession to the high priestesses of W . They did not spare themselves. On the contrary, they confessed their utter worthlessness and paid homage to the father who had sent them out in the world to retrieve themselves.

When he had placed the dinner in the oven and taken a couple of highballs into the living room, Rainsford was still sitting at the desk, looking at the artifacts. He accepted his drink and sipped it absently, then raised his head. "Jack, this stuff is absolutely amazing," he said. "It's better than that. It's unique. Only collection of native weapons and implements on Zarathustra."

An unvoiced desire to keep him from drinking so many highballs; an enduring thankfulness to him when she was back at the flat; a defiant joy that he had kissed her good-night just once, and so tenderly; a determination to "be good for him," and a fear that he had "spent too much money on her to-night," and a plan to reason with him about whisky and extravagance.

His fancied wit had been drivel; his gay humors nothing but the noisy vagaries of a sot. But, never again! "A glass of seltzer," he said to the bartender. A little silence fell upon the group of his cronies, who had been expecting him to join them. "Going off the stuff, Bob?" one of them asked politely and with more formality than the highballs ever called forth. "Yes," said Babbitt.

In its advertising-columns one read of the latest things in cigarettes and highballs and haberdashery and candies and autos; and in its reading-matter one found the leisure-class world, and the leisure-class idea of all other worlds. Young Blanchard himself was in the most "exclusive" society; and if one stayed close to him, one might worm his way past the warders.

One can't lap up half a dozen highballs a day for an indeterminate number of years, without getting flabby, nor can he spend himself in feeble dissipations and have reserves of strength to call upon when needed. The tongue went dry in his mouth. He began to swallow his Adam's apple. "I'm not well to-day," he said, almost in a whisper.

Pa choked up and was going to cry, and I got my throat full of something so I could not speak, and the managers began to wipe their eyes, and pa saved the day by saying: "Oh, what's the use, let's order up some highballs," and when they came, with a red lemonade for me, pa said: "Well, here's to the people that crowd around the ticket wagon and fight to get the first ticket when the window is open, and go away after the show and say it is the greatest show ever."

They were followed by poisonous highballs That fell in my depths like a stone. "I am dripping with bootlegger brandy, I ooze with synthetical gin; And the beer that you make in the kitchen Ah, dire are the wages of sin! "The cursed saloon has departed, And well we are rid of the plague; But I'm weary of furniture polish With the counterfeit label of Haig.

While Pelton listened to the record, Cardon mixed him another of the highballs, adding a little of the heart-stimulant the medic had given him. Pelton was grinning savagely when he turned off the little machine and took out the ear plug. "Great stuff, Frank! And I won't have to ham it much; it's just about the way I feel." He thought for a moment. "You have me talking about my ruined store, there.

Lon Price said he'd never witnessed so many human shoulder blades in his whole history and Jeff Tuttle sent off a lot of picture cards of this here ballroom or saloon that a waiter give him. The one he sent Egbert Floud showed the floor full of beautiful reckless women in the dance and prominent society matrons drinking highballs, and Jeff wrote on it, "This is my room; wish you was here."