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Heraclian was utterly routed; Cyril has known it, every Jew has known it, for a week past. So perish all the enemies of the Lord, caught in their own snare!" For a minute an awful silence fell on all who heard; and then arose a tumult, which Orestes in vain attempted to subdue.

An African sits on the throne of the Caesars! Heraclian, by one decisive victory, has gained, by the favour of of Heaven, the imperial purple; and a new era opens for the world.

'These are indeed the last days, said Arsenius at length, 'spoken of by the prophet, when many shall run to and fro. So Heraclian has actually sailed for Italy? 'His armament was met on the high seas by Alexandrian merchantmen, three weeks ago. 'And Orestes hardens his heart more and more? 'Ay, Pharaoh that he is; or rather, the heathen woman hardens it for him.

A cloud, whether of disgust or disappointment, now hung upon every brow, and there was open murmuring at the cruelty and heathenry of the show. Hypatia was utterly unnerved. Orestes alone rose to the crisis. In a well-studied oration he declared that Heraclian the African was conquerer of Rome, and a roar of hired applause supported him.

Stilicho, not daring to march his barbarians from Bologna upon the Roman army, and by this refusal incurring their enmity also, flung himself into Ravenna and took refuge in the great church there. On the following day, however, he was delivered up by the bishop to Count Heraclian and slain.

From the days of the Emperor Heraclius the Byzantine Empire had been most tranquil and prosperous when it could acquiesce in hereditary succession. Five dynasties the Heraclian, Isaurian, Amorian, Basilian, and Comnenian families enjoyed and transmitted the royal patrimony during their respective series of five, four, three, six, and four generations.

The benevolent profusion with which the matron distributed the fruits, or the price, of her estates, contributed to alleviate the misfortunes of exile and captivity. But even the family of Proba herself was not exempt from the rapacious oppression of Count Heraclian, who basely sold, in matrimonial prostitution, the noblest maidens of Rome to the lust or avarice of the Syrian merchants.

The troops and officers, whom Attalus had sent into that province, were defeated and slain; and the active zeal of Heraclian maintained his own allegiance, and that of his people.

Well that fool Attalus talked of joining Egypt to the Western Empire.... Not such a bad thought either. Anything is better than being governed by an idiot child and three canting nuns. I expect to be excommunicated every day for some offence against Pulcheria's prudery.... Heraclian emperor at Rome.... and I lord and master on this side the sea.

'And who, pray, is this peerless friend? 'Augustine of Hippo. 'Humph! It had been better for the world in general, if the great dialectician had exerted his powers of persuasion on Heraclian himself. 'He did so, but in vain. 'I don't doubt it.