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And see, there was Major Hardy, leaning over the pianist that he might read the words through his monocle, and singing with the best of them: "Everybody's doing it doing it doing it," and "Hitchy-koo, hitchy-koo, hitchy-koo." The Spirit of Riot was aboard to-night. The wines of Heidsieck and Veuve Pommery glowed in the cheeks of the subalterns.

He brought out a couple of Strassburg pies, a cheese, a cold chicken, a loaf, and three bottles of champagne. 'Fizz, said Sandy rapturously. 'And a dry Heidsieck too! We're in luck, Dick, old man. I never ate a more welcome meal, for we had starved in that dirty hotel. But I had still the old feeling of the hunted, and before I began I asked about the door. 'That's all right, said Sandy.

But the eye dwelt finally, and with a crowning wonder and approval, upon an entire basket of the celebrated eleven-dollar Heidsieck champagne, blue label, that lay upon the floor of the crypt. The acquisition of this treasure was one of those rare good-fortunes by which the life of here and there an individual is illustrated.

The hot Scotch having somewhat warmed up the embers of the Heidsieck, it was touching to observe the master's eagerness to pull himself together under the servant's eye; and when he remarked, "I think, Teena, I'll take a brandy and soda," he spoke like a man doubtful of his elocution, and not half certain of obedience. "No such a thing, Mr. Michael," was the prompt return. "Clar't and water."

They composed the letter together; and they stated the reasons so well, and convinced themselves so completely of the righteousness of their cause, that for a few moments they looked on the two hundred as already in hand. Hence the Heidsieck night. But on the morrow of the Heidsieck night they thought differently. And George was gloomy.

Taking his glass from the table, he held it away from him to scrutinize the colour; thirsty as he was, it was not likely that he was going to drink trash! Then, placing it to his lips, he took a sip. "A very nice wine," he said at last, passing it before his nose; "not the equal of my Heidsieck!"

When George and Mary were alone, George said: "Look here! Does he mean it?" "You may depend he means it. It's so like him. Me asking for that £200 must have upset him. And then seeing that about Heidsieck in the paper he'd make up his mind all of a sudden I know him so well." "H'm!" snorted George. "I shall make my mind up all of a sudden, too!" "What shall you do?"

When he walks away they string out after him, talking all the time; and he leads 'em down the main street of Bird City with more men joining the procession as they go. It reminded me of the old legerdemain that I'd read in books about the Pied Piper of Heidsieck charming the children away from the town.

"The pate here is delicious," Mr. Hennibul said; "but for Heaven's sake leave the champagne alone." "There's some decent hock. You'll excuse my pointing out these little things to you, but, of course, you don't know the runs yet. I'll give you a safe tip while I'm about it. The Opposition food is beastly, but the wine is all right Pommery and Heidsieck, most of it, and the right years.

He asks no questions, accepts what is put before him, and babbles in one key very often of trifles. But food and drink are the very best of drugs. I think it was Heidsieck Dry Monopole '92 Stalky as usual stuck to Burgundy that began to unlock Mr. Wontner's heart behind my shirt-front.