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'I want an elaborate meal for my five hundred rupees! Everything should be served on gold plates! "As soon as each man had expressed his preferences, the FAKIR addressed himself to the inexhaustible Hazrat. A great rattle ensued; gold platters filled with intricately-prepared curries, hot LUCHIS, and many out-of-season fruits, landed from nowhere at our feet. All the food was delicious.

The Mohammedan gave an order; the obliging Hazrat sent sealed containers sailing down the air and thudding to the floor. Each man found his desired beverage. "The promise of the fourth spectacular feat of the day was doubtless gratifying to our host: Afzal offered to supply an instantaneous lunch! "'Let us order the most expensive dishes, Babu suggested gloomily.

He came back shortly and handed Afzal the required sum. "'Go to the little bridge near your house, the FAKIR instructed Babu. 'Call on Hazrat to give you the watch and chain. "Babu rushed away. On his return, he was wearing a smile of relief and no jewelry whatever. "'When I commanded Hazrat as directed, he announced, 'my watch came tumbling down from the air into my right hand!

At the railway station he would manage to touch a roll of tickets. "These exploits created an indignant uproar; Bengali jewelers and ticket-sellers were succumbing to nervous breakdowns! The police who sought to arrest Afzal found themselves helpless; the FAKIR could remove incriminating evidence merely by saying: 'Hazrat, take this away."

You may be sure I locked the heirloom in my safe before rejoining the group here! "Babu's friends, witnesses of the comicotragedy of the ransom for a watch, were staring with resentment at Afzal. He now spoke placatingly. "'Please name any drink you want; Hazrat will produce it. "A number asked for milk, others for fruit juices. I was not too much shocked when the unnerved Babu requested whisky!

"The FAKIR was not highly developed spiritually," Sri Yukteswar explained. "His mastery of a certain yoga technique gave him access to an astral plane where any desire is immediately materialized. Through the agency of an astral being, Hazrat, the Mohammedan could summon the atoms of any object from etheric energy by an act of powerful will.

As soon as the stone had vanished under distant waves, the Mohammedan addressed me again: "'Fill a pot with Ganges water near the front of this house. "After I had returned with a vessel of water, the FAKIR cried, 'Hazrat, put the stone in the pot! "The stone appeared at once. I pulled it from the vessel and found my signature as legible as when I had written it.

Your other powers are now gone, but whenever food and clothing are needed, you may still call successfully on Hazrat to supply them. Devote yourself wholeheartedly to divine understanding in the mountain solitudes. "My guru then vanished; I was left to my tears and reflections. Farewell, world! I go to seek the forgiveness of the Cosmic Beloved." "I am often beset by atheistic doubts.

It seems that he was always accompanied by a disembodied spirit whom he called 'Hazrat. This invisible entity was able to fulfill the FAKIR'S slightest wish. "Ignoring his master's warning, Afzal began to misuse his powers. Whatever object he touched and then replaced would soon disappear without a trace. This disconcerting eventuality usually made the Mohammedan an objectionable guest!

I withdraw your occult gifts; Hazrat is now freed from you. No longer shall you be a terror in Bengal! "I called on Hazrat in anguished tones; for the first time, he did not appear to my inner sight. But some dark veil suddenly lifted within me; I saw clearly the blasphemy of my life. "'My guru, I thank you for coming to banish my long delusion. I was sobbing at his feet.