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Updated: August 15, 2024

Augustus was the first magistrate of Rome, Tiberius the first citizen. Caligula was the first emperor, but an emperor hallucinated by the enigma of his own grandeur, a prince for whose sovereignty the world was too small. Each epoch has its secret, sometimes puerile, often perplexing; but in its maker there is another and a more interesting one yet.

The Psychical Society has published an account of a similar collective hallucination of crowds of people, 'appearing and disappearing, shared by two young ladies and their maid, on a walk home from church. But this occurred in a fog, and no one was present who was not hallucinated.

Neither of them could discover any explanation of the phenomenon, and they walked away together, disgusted, disappointed, and reviling Home. In this case there was neither excitement nor desire to believe, but a strong wish to disbelieve and to expose Home. If two such witnesses could be hallucinated, we must greatly extend our notion of the limits of the capacity for entertaining hallucinations.

But there are many degrees in being hallucinated, or enphantosme, as the old French has it. If we are interested in the most popular kind of hallucinations, ghosts and wraiths, we first discard like Le Loyer, the evidence of many kinds of witnesses, diversely but undeniably hallucinated.

As for Lord Orrery's butler, and the others, there are the hypotheses that a cloud of honourable and sane witnesses lied; that they were uniformly hallucinated, or hypnotised, by a glamour as extraordinary as the actual miracle would be; or again, that conjuring of an unexampled character could be done, not only by Home, or Eglinton, in a room which may have been prepared, but by Home, by a Zulu, by St.

Further, in their normal state, known savages, or some of them, are more 'suggestible' than educated Europeans at least. They can be more easily hallucinated in their normal waking state by suggestion.

It is characteristic of the spirit in which guide-books are written that, while devoting long paragraphs to some worthless picture of a hallucinated venerable, they hardly utter a word about these most remarkable and gruesome objects. Those old Peruvians, like the Egyptians, had necrophilous leanings. They cultivated an unwholesome passion for corpses, and called it religion.

In the following set, the visions were waking hallucinations of sane persons never in any other instance hallucinated. The former held out his hand, but there was before him only open space. No feeling of excitement or anxiety followed. He spoke to her, but she did not answer. He instantly entered the drawing-room, where the child was sitting in a white evening-dress.

Thus 'the table rose completely off the ground several times, whilst the gentlemen present took a candle, and, kneeling down, deliberately examined the position of Mr. Home's knees and feet, and saw the three feet of the table quite off the ground. Every observer in turn satisfied himself of the facts; they could not all be hallucinated.

And not only did Pierre notice this among folks of simple, childish minds, illiterate, hallucinated creatures like Raboin, but also among the men of intellect, the men with cultivated brains, the savants like Doctor Bonamy and others. It was incredible. And thus Pierre felt a growing discomfort arising within him, a covert anger which would doubtless end by bursting forth.

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