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Updated: August 15, 2024

And all witches told much the same tale; apparently because they were collectively hallucinated. Then were the spectators of the agile crockery collectively hallucinated? M. Littre does not say so explicitly, though this is a conceivable theory. Among accounts of 'demoniac affections, descriptions of objects moved without contact are of frequent occurrence.

She was no longer restless or tearful. She began to sleep again, and her sleep was no longer troubled by that recurrent dream. A strange calm descended on her, the calm of a Madonna thrilled by an angelic annunciation a hallucinated calm that made her remote and independent, utterly unmoved by the commotion into which the household of Roscarna had been thrown.

She gave them all they craved: passion, stormy struggle, the tears of hopeless love, the chill smile of lassitude in accepted defeat, the unappeasable longing for the past. They listened, and their hearts lapsed back from the hallucinated unity of enthusiasm each to its own identity, an identity isolated, intensified, tortured exquisitely by the expression of dim yearnings.

Nor in Lord Crawford's case is it easy to suppose that three educated men, if hallucinated, would all be hallucinated in the same way. The argument of excited expectation and consequent hallucination does not apply to Mr. Hamilton Aïdé and M. Alphonse Karr, neither of whom was a man of science. Both were extremely prejudiced against Home, and at Nice went to see, and, if possible, to expose him.

Baraduc cannot, therefore, be considered of value; but the objective experiences that is to say, the experiments performed by him are of great interest, since one can hardly suppose that the camera can be hallucinated, because of the grief of the photographer!

You will object that Saint Anthony is known to have been a hallucinated neyropathe; that the story, therefore, may not be true. So be it. But such a description can hardly be applied with decency to certain holier and wiser men, who saw with their own eyes things yet stranger.

His life in its quest for meaning was like the Bush administration's groping for these weapons of mass destruction to disprove the obvious: that Bush's hallucinated epiphany was similar to the sun stroked and deranged Akhenaten. As this "Shawn" needed secular meaning not in the material world, they needed to believe that the bushes were God's executioners in Iraq and elsewhere.

Dessoir refrains from pronouncing a decided opinion as to whether the original, primitive, hallucinated self within us does 'preside over powers and actions at a distance, such as clairvoyance; but he believes in hypnotisation at a distance. His theory, like Hegel's, is that of 'atavism, or 'throwing back' to some very remote ancestral condition. This will prove of interest later.

Now, M. Féré observes that 'any part of the body of an hysterical patient may change in volume, simply owing to the fact that the patient's attention is fixed on that part. Conceivably the elongation of Home and the ancient Egyptian mediums may have been an extreme case of this 'change of volume. Could this be proved by examples, Home's elongation would cease to be a 'miracle. But it would follow that in this case observers were not hallucinated, and the presumption would be raised that they were not hallucinated in the other cases.

Because it is a simpler matter to tell the truth than casuists admit I shall preface this little sermon on three hallucinated painters by a declaration of my artistic faith. I believe in Velasquez, Vermeer, and Rembrandt; the greatest harmonist, the greatest painter of daylight, and the profoundest interpreter of the human soul Rembrandt as pyschologist is as profound as Beethoven.

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