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Updated: August 19, 2024

While others were superintending the removal of Meg Merrilies, those who remained with Hatteraick attempted to make him sit down upon a fragment of rock which lay close upon the high-water mark. A strong shuddering convulsed his iron frame for an instant as he resisted their purpose. 'Not there! Hagel! you would not make me sit THERE?

'Poz hagel, blitzen, and donner! I I doubt you say true. 'Not, said Glossin, perceiving he had made the desired impression, 'not that I am against being civil'; and he slid into Hatteraick's passive hand a bank-note of some value. 'Is this all? said the smuggler. 'You had the price of half a cargo for winking at our job, and made us do your business too.

I understand the law, Captain Hatteraick, and I'll take it upon me, simple Gilbert Glossin of Ellangowan, justice of peace for the county of , to refuse his bail, if he should offer the best in the country, until he is brought up for a second examination; now where d'ye think I'll incarcerate him? 'Hagel and wetter! what do I care? 'Stay, my friend; you do care a great deal.

Have you seen Glossin?" "No," replied Meg Merrilies. "you've missed your blow, ye blood-spiller! and ye have nothing to expect from the tempter." "Hagel!" exclaimed the ruffian, "if I had him but by the throat!-and what am I to do then?" "Do?" answered the gipsy; "die like a man, or be hanged like a dog!" "Hanged, ye hag of Satan!-the hemp's not sown that shall hang me."

Speak to me no more; I'm dangerous. 'But, Dirk but, Hatteraick, hear me only a few words. 'Hagel! nein. 'Only one sentence. 'Tousand curses! nein. 'At least get up, for an obstinate Dutch brute! said Glossin, losing his temper and pushing Hatteraick with his foot. 'Donner and blitzen! said Hatteraick, springing up and grappling with him; 'you WILL have it then?

For three wild lads were we, brave boys, And three wild lads were we; Thou on the land, and I on the sand, And Jack on the gallows-tree! That's it, my bully-boy! Why, you're alive again now! And now let us talk about our business. 'YOUR business, if you please, said Hatteraick. 'Hagel and donner! mine was done when I got out of the bilboes.

And now, with Glossin's cursed contrivance, my crew have been cut off, my boats destroyed, and I daresay the lugger's taken; there were not men enough left on board to work her, far less to fight her a dredge-boat might have taken her. And what will the owners say? Hagel and sturm! I shall never dare go back again to Flushing. 'You'll never need, said the gipsy.

Ere Glossin had got upon his feet, the hoarse yet suppressed voice of Hatteraick growled through the recesses of the cave. "Hagel and donner! be'st du?" "Are you in the dark?" "Dark? der deyvil! ay," said Dirk Hatteraick; "where should I have a glim?" "I have brought light;" and Glossin accordingly produced a tinder-box, and lighted a small lantern.

Speak to me no more I'm dangerous." "But, Dirk but, Hatteraick, hear me only a few words." "Hagel! nein." "Only one sentence." "Tausand curses nein!" "At least get up for an obstinate Dutch brute!" said Glossin, losing his temper, and pushing Hatteraick with his foot. "Donner and blitzen!" said Hatteraick, springing up and grappling with him; "you will have it then?"

Snow-wasser and hagel! it's perdition; I could only keep myself alive by rambling up and down this d d vault, and thinking about the merry rouses we have had in it. The flame then began to blaze brightly, and Hatteraick hung his bronzed visage and expanded his hard and sinewy hands over it, with an avidity resembling that of a famished wretch to whom food is exposed.

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