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Next he caught his vrouw in his arms and fairly lifted her from the ground in his delight. "Huzza!" he cried. "I have it! I have it! It's Thomas Higgs. That's the name! It came upon me like a flash. Write it down, lad, write it down!" Someone knocked at the door. "It's the meester," cried the delighted dame. "Goede Gunst! How things come to pass!"

"No, CURED! Got his wits," said the coachman, shooting forth his words, one at a time, like so many bullets. He jumped as if he had been shot. "Goede Gunst! You don't say so!" The man pressed his lips together and looked significantly toward Master Kolp's shabby residence. Just then Janzoon saw a group of boys in the distance.

He ran all the way back to the store and, tearing the check out of the checkbook where Morris had left it, he dashed out again and once more boarded a Broadway car. In front of Gunst & Baumer's offices he leaped wildly from the car to the street, and, escaping an imminent fire engine and a hosecart, he ran into the doorway and took the stairs three at a jump.

To support their stock Gunst & Baumer were obliged to buy in all the Interstate offered at five, and when at length their resources gave out they announced their suspension. Interstate immediately collapsed and sold down in less than a quarter of an hour from five bid, five and a thirty-second asked, to a quarter bid, three-eighths asked. Abe handed back the paper to Morris and lit a cigar.

At the first meeting, after the hymn, "Du suesse Lieb', schenk' uns deine Gunst," was sung, Muhlenberg addressed the assembly, saying, in part: This union was desired for a long time. The effort made five years ago in the Swedish church was frustrated by Nyberg. Unity among us is necessary. Every member in the congregation has children.

In the evening of that day, the yeomanry and volunteers of Glenallan drank prosperity to their young master. In a month afterwards Lord Geraldin was married to Miss Wardour, the Antiquary making the lady a present of the wedding ring a massy circle of antique chasing, bearing the motto of Aldobrand Oldenbuck, Kunst macht gunst.

For almost an hour and a half Abe displayed the firm's line, from which the customer selected a generous order, and when at last Abe was free to go down to Gunst & Baumer's it was nearly twelve o'clock. He put on his hat and coat, and jumped on a passing car, and it was not until he had traveled two blocks that he remembered the check.

"Don't quarrel!" mocked Carl, looking back at Jacob as he skated. "Who's quarreling? Poot, you're a goose!" "I can't help that," was Jacob's meek reply. "See! they are nearing the turn of the canal." "NOW we can see!" cried Ludwig in great excitement. "Peter will make it first, I know." "He can't for Ben is ahead!" insisted Carl. "Gunst! That iceboat will run over him. No! He is clear!

He says a young feller by the name Milton Fiedler is manager, and if he can't sell that stock, Mawruss, Sol says nobody can. So I guess I'll go right over and see him while I got it in my mind." Milton Fiedler had served an arduous apprenticeship before he attained the position of branch manager for Gunst & Baumer in the dry-goods district.

I'll ring him up and ask him the name of the broker what does his business." He went to the telephone in the back of the store and returned a moment later and put on his hat and coat. "I rung up Sol, Mawruss," he said, "and Sol tells me that a good broker is Gunst & Baumer. They got a branch office over Hill, Arkwright & Thompson, the auctioneers, Mawruss.