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Purple tabulates a list of 42 cases of heart-injury which survived from thirty minutes to seventy days. Fourteen instances of gunshot wounds of the heart have been collected from U.S. Army reports, in all of which death followed very promptly, except in one instance in which the patient survived fifty hours.

The bullet sped true, and, with a convulsive leap into the air, the fawn fell into the shallow brook dead. While the smoke was still pouring from his gunbarrel, Dave caught sight of a larger deer, previously hidden from view by some brushwood. Scarcely had he laid the fawn low when another gunshot rang out, and this deer also went down, kicking convulsively.

The schooner had got in our wake and was crowding all sail in pursuit. It soon became manifest that we could not escape. Our pursuer was hardly a gunshot off, and slowly but surely lessening the space between us. The sagacious Mr.

He made a glorious record in this war, and, being severely wounded, both by arrows and gunshot, he returned to his home to be nursed by his mother. When he was able to rise again peace was assured and he resolved to become a lawyer.

After four days he departed, and he appeared again at Ballarat on January 15th, giving evidence at an inquest on one Hardy, killed by a gunshot wound. In the meantime a total change had taken place among the occupants of the Government camp. Commissioner Rede had retired, Dr.

He had been shot through the stomach with a great, old-fashioned smooth-bore musket, which lay on the floor a gun not carrying less than twenty-five to the pound. I had seen gunshot wounds before, and I knew that this was serious. It did not bleed much externally, but the edges of the wound were torn and discolored. "That fellow dead?" asked the Panther.

Therefore the shot must have been fired some time earlier than we are told. But there could be no mistake about such a matter as that. We are in the presence, therefore, of a deliberate conspiracy upon the part of the two people who heard the gunshot of the man Barker and of the woman Douglas.

"Oh!" ejaculated my father in a disappointed tone; "but are you sure?" "Sure, sir? Yes. I'm not clever, and I'm better at gunshot wounds and amputations than at medical practice, but I do know a bit about metals and mining. Why, didn't we touch at Banca in '44 and see the tin mining there?" "Yes," said my father; "but I took no interest in it then." "Well, I did, my lad. Tin? No.

The caribou, most restless, capricious, and far-wandering of all the wilderness kindreds, were drifting south on one of their apparently aimless migrations. They were travelling on the ridge, because, as Pete instantly inferred, the snow there had been partly blown away, partly packed, by the unbroken winds. They were far out of gunshot.

And the tension had never lessened for this army, what with waiting for the Right Wing, which had not yet apparently stirred from Otsego; and the inadequacy of provisions, not known to the men but whispered among the officers; and the shots already exchanged this very morning along the river between our outposts and prowling scouts of the enemy; and the daily loss of pack-animals and cattle, strayed or stolen; and of men, too, scalped since they left Wyoming, sometimes within gunshot of headquarters.