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The stubble of beard that had grown since the day before grizzled his lean jaw; the confident line of his shoulders, of his back, was bowed. He looked up with a start to find the doctor once more in the room. He rose. "Doc," he asked in a strained whisper, "Doc, will it be all right?" He wet his lips. "Will she live?" "You needn't whisper," the other told him; "she doesn't know ... now.

Without noticing the other occupants of the parlor he strode up to Mrs. Brice, looked at her for an instant from under the grizzled brows, and held out his large hand. "Pray, ma'am," he said, "what have you done with your slave?" Mrs. Cluyme emitted a muffled shriek, like that of a person frightened in a dream. Her husband grasped the curved back of his chair. But Stephen smiled.

The anchor that held the rope which passed over the "shears" seemed to be pulling out of the sand packed around it. "Come on, men!" cried the captain. "Take a brace now, and we'll have 'em ashore in a jiffy!" "But she's slipping!" cried a grizzled seaman. "She can't hold any longer. The whole business is going!" "She can't go until we git 'em ashore!" yelled the captain of the life-savers.

But for the most part, people are full of energy, and are shouting from one to the other, and examining ropes or asking eager questions of grizzled old sailors, who, with plug in cheek and stoical features, are staring at the sea.

Donald heard one of the herders say. "There's not a better on Crescent Ranch!" was the prompt reply from a grizzled old Mexican who was ducking the heads of the herd that sped past him. "He wouldn't make a bad boss of the ranch," murmured another in an undertone. Sandy did not hear them. He was too intent on his work. He went about it simply, yet with his whole soul.

"I feel as if I had missed something big," the American replied with the generous regret of one who would have thoroughly enjoyed his own share of the labor. "Thank Carrick for that. Here comes Sutphen. He'll be Marshal for this," he said as the grizzled commanding officer approached. All three saluted. "Congratulations, Colonel," said Carter as the elder man acknowledged their formal courtesies.

Nobody was buying there, nobody even looked to buy as Ned watched for a minute; the stream swept past and the grizzled face stared on. It had no body, no hands even, it was as if hung there, a trunkless head. It was the face of a generation grown old, useless and unloved, which lived by the crumbs that fall from Demos' table and waited wearily to be gone.

I get so cross with all the unreasonable demands the employees make on him. They are never satisfied. The more he yields, the more they demand. It's begging letters, petitions, lawsuits, strikes, until he is driven almost crazy." The whirr of an approaching motor caused them both to look up. A grizzled man of fifty got out and, after a decisive order to the chauffeur, turned to join them.

The elder of the two men, to whom this individual stood, evidently, in the character of a superior, was a short thick-set person of about fifty, with huge whiskers that, originally black, had been slightly grizzled by time.

As they proceeded at a pace regulated by the toddling child, they encountered an old woman with no teeth at all, whose nose and chin leaned very much toward each other: her grizzled hair curled under a still more dejected sun-bonnet, and, setting down a basket of clothes, she stood panting from exertion and wiping her wan face on the bonnet cape.