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In front of the house of the station-agent they drew up, and while the others were at their horses, Lee Haines dismounted and rapped loudly at the door. It was opened by a grey-bearded man smoking a pipe. Haines covered him. He tossed up his hands and the pipe dropped from his mouth. "Who's in the house here with you?" asked Haines. "Not a soul!" stammered the man.

No. 6 was the dark and splendid Jewess who had kicked the greasy-curled Eastern in the face. As soon as she appeared upon the block, this brute stepped forward and bid twenty sestertia for her. An old grey-bearded fellow answered with a bid of twenty-five. Then some one bid thirty, which the Eastern capped with a bid of forty.

He landed and found the place beside the great mosque where the grey-bearded scholars bowed over their Korans and spoke to one another about the law of Mohammed. They looked at him with amazement as he boldly came up to them and said, "I have come to talk with you about Christ and His Way of Life, and Mohammed and his teaching.

So the grey-bearded ones of the village advised with one another; and those who had been inaccessible to bastinadoes, somehow found money at the calling of interest; and the Sheikh, and they, and the five hundred purses, set off on the road to the capital. When they arrived, Skinflint Beg and the elders of El Muddee sought admission to the Royal throne, and there laid down their purses.

From the grey-bearded and venerable-looking Sheikh, I elicited more information about African currency, the mode of procedure, the quantity and quality of stuffs I required, than I had obtained from three months' study of books upon Central Africa; and from other Arab merchants to whom the ancient Sheikh introduced me, I received most valuable suggestions and hints, which enabled me at last to organize an Expedition.

Old Crouch was a thin, grey-bearded fellow, but possessed of a tough, muscular frame, which served him quite as well in the long run as the younger, and apparently more vigorous, limbs of his assistants. His cheek was hale, and his eye still bright and quick, and a certain fierceness was imparted to his countenance by a large aquiline nose.

A tiger with his claws cut and his teeth drawn an old, grey-bearded tiger, ghastly and grim, but harmless a cobra with the poison-bag plucked out of his jaw! The venom grows again, child the snake's venom but youth never comes back: Old, and helpless, and harmless! Again Mary tried to move away, but those evil eyes held her as if she were a bird riveted by the gaze of a serpent.

One day a man came to the house of the Cogia and asked him to lend him his ass. 'He is not at home, replied the Cogia. But it so happened that the ass began to bray within. 'O Cogia Efendi, said the man, 'you say that the ass is not at home, and there he is braying within. 'What a strange fellow you are! said the Cogia. 'You believe the ass, but will not believe a grey-bearded man like me.

So, in spite of Charmian, who besought me not to interfere in the battle, I sent Alexas to the commander on the bridge, and while he talked with the grey-bearded seaman, who wrathfully answered I know not what, I glanced at the nearest ship I no longer knew whether it was friend or foe and as I saw the rows of restless oars moving in countless numbers to and fro, it seemed as if every ship had become a huge spider, and the long wooden handles of the oars were its legs and feet.

She seemed to be living in the old days of the Khalifs those days which the authors of the "Thousand and One Stories" have immortalized to be living, for example, in the "golden prime of good Haroun Al-Raschid" as she saw before her the motley procession of veiled women, Persians with their pointed bonnets, Hindu jugglers with lithe lissom figures, negro slaves, grey-bearded beggars looking like princes in disguise, and Armenians wrapped in their long furred cloaks.