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Ludovico, per che ultra che mi sia stato acetto, representando la persona de la S.V. Reverendiss. lui anche per conto suo mi ha addutta gran satisfazione, havendomi cum la narratione de l'opera the compone facto passar questi due giorni non solum senza fastidio, ma cum piacer grandissimo."

Therefore you must drive these vapors out of your head, and make your self merry, with the hearing that your friends commend the entertainment they have had to the highest; and that two or three daies hence; the merry Bridemen and Bridemaids, with some of the nearest acquaintance, will come a la grandissimo to give you thanks for all the respect & civilities that you have so liberally bestowed upon them; which will be done then with such a friendly and affectionate heart, that it will be impossible for you, but you must invite them again to come and sup with you in the evening, and so make an addition to the former Pleasure; by which means pleasantness, mirth, and friendship, is planted and advanced among all the friends and acquaintance.

I have come," he said, addressing himself to me, "to ask you to dine with us to-morrow, and you must bring your charming niece." "Would you like to go, Marcoline?" "'Con grandissimo piacere'! We shall speak Venetian, shall we not?" "Certainly." "'E viva'! I cannot learn French." "M. Querini is in the same position," said M. Memmo.

For days together he might be as sane as you or I; and then, all of a sudden a chance word would set him off he had mounted his horse and put on all the airs of the King of Spain, or his Holiness the Pope, or any grandissimo you pleased, from the Governor of Panama upwards. I had known that morning, when he began to prate about our being kings, that the crust of his common-sense was wearing thin.

"Not for any of those grandissimo qualities which my mother sees in him, and which I am not quite clear exist; but just because he is the most agreeable person in nature; and really natural; though he is a man of the world, yet not the least affected. Quite fashionable, of course, but with true feeling.

In the Novellino of Masuccio, which was first printed in 1476, there is a passage in the tenth novel of the first part, in which a rogue passes as "grandissimo cognoscitore" of gems because he had spent much time in Scotland. De Varietate, p. 636. De Varietate, p. 637. Ibid., p. 637. Ibid., p. 565. "Peracto L anno quod stipendium non remuneraretur mansi Mediolani." De Vita Propria, ch. iv. p. 15.

Guicciardini, writing his Ricordi during the first months of the siege, remarks upon the power of faith (Op. Ined. vol. i. p. 83. Compare p. 134): 'Esemplo a' nostri ne è grandissimo questa ostinazione de' Fiorentini, che essendosi contro a ogni ragione del mondo messi a aspettare la guerra del papa e imperadore, senza speranza di alcuno soccorso di altri, disuniti e con mille difficult

I have come," he said, addressing himself to me, "to ask you to dine with us to-morrow, and you must bring your charming niece." "Would you like to go, Marcoline?" "'Con grandissimo piacere'! We shall speak Venetian, shall we not?" "Certainly." "'E viva'! I cannot learn French." "M. Querini is in the same position," said M. Memmo.