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Updated: August 22, 2024

But when we got to the pass of Corryarick our trials began, and then such spirit did M'Iver put in the struggle with the task before us, such snatches of song, sharp saying and old story, such commradary as it might be named, that we were on good terms with all. For your man of family the Gael has ever some regard. The pass of Corryarick met us with a girning face and white fangs.

"Eh! is the lassie daft?" had half murmured the not ill-pleased captain; then, perceiving that the salute had been bestowed without the detection of his partner, a large slow smile expanded itself all over his broad face. "Wha are ye girning for like an auld Cheshire cat?" inquired the unsuspicious lady. "Nonsense, my dear; nonsense!" complacently stirring his grog and looking rather foolish.

The water-hen gave one mighty final tug and toppled into the burn; while the weasel viciously showed me his teeth, and then stole slowly up the bank to the rose-bush, whence, "girning," he watched me lift his exhausted victim from the water, and set off with her for the school-house.

In Nithsdale the elf-child displays a superhuman power of work. The mother left it on one occasion in the charge of a servant-girl, who sat bemoaning herself. "Wer't nae for thy girning face I would knock the big, winnow the corn, and grun the meal!" "Lowse the cradle band," cried the child, "and tent the neighbours, an' I'll work yere wark."

"He's a wicked auld man, and there's many would like to see him girning in a tow: Jennet Clouston and mony mair that he has harried out of house and hame. And yet he was ance a fine young fellow too. But that was before the sough gaed abroad about Mr. Alexander; that was like the death of him." "And what was it?" I asked. "Ou, just that he had killed him," said the landlord.

'Seven braw beasts, and not a lame yin among them, says she, and tittered a wee bit laugh that set the dogs girning through their bare teeth; and then she went her way, and her laughing coming back to me, and we would not be far on when the first of the beasts was hirpling; and one after the other the lameness came on them, till I could just have sat down and grat that I had not set the dogs on the witch.

How the deil d'ye think three fiddles is to keep down a bass, if yin o' them stands girning and gabbling as ye're doing? Play up, sir!"

No! Not if the whipper-snapper were backed by all the Horse Guards that ever were, with the Life Guards to boot. Poor Osborne might have known better than to cast this slur on his father's flesh and blood; for so dear did he hold his watch! 'My watch is like myself, said the squire, 'girning, as the Scotch say 'plain, but steady-going. At any rate, it gives the law in my house.

Nae sooner had I spoken the word, than the twa, looking round the shop, spied the beastie sitting upon the shelf girning at them, and putting out his tongue, and wiggle-waggling his walking-stick ower his left elbow, as if he had been playing upon the fiddle. Mr.

Not only this, but he mockit the Heelandman by a' manner of means, shooting out his tongue at him, spitting at him, and girning at him wi' his queer outlandish physiognomy.

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