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The figure of a woman who held her hooded shawl under her chin, stole with steps often checked through the limp, dew-laden grass of the woods-pasture and slipped on the rotting logs. But she caught herself from tumbling, and safely gained the border of Gillespie's corn field.

We then kept the wind which we knew was south-west on our port hand and pretty well abeam, steering as nearly as we could guess to the northward and westward, according to Captain Gillespie's directions to me; for there was not light sufficient yet to see my little pocket-compass so as to take the proper bearings for making a straight course to fetch the mouth of the Canton river.

That would account for a good many things. But I think he shows taste in preferring old Gillespie to Peter Hingston; next to Abe Reverdy he's the biggest fool in Leatherwood. Maybe the prophet knew by instinct that there would be better fried chicken at Gillespie's." His wife disdained to make a direct answer. "You may be sure they give him of their best, whatever it is.

A man bow-legged into Gillespie's and went straight to the bar. "Gimme a drink something damned hot," he growled. He was a big, broad-shouldered fellow, hook-nosed, with cold eyes set close. Hair and eyebrows were matted with ice and a coat of sleet covered his clothes. Judging from voice and manner, he was in a vile humor.

"Then we can round the Foreland handsomely on the starboard tack with the wind well abaft our beam." "All right!" was Captain Gillespie's laconic response, rubbing his hands gleefully together again. "Carry-on." Noticing Tom Jerrold just then on the main-deck, I went down from off the poop and joined him.

Metal clips held the window in place. He swiveled them over the sash and tightened them down with a screwdriver. "O.K. Thirteen to go." He was down to nine when Jennifer returned with a carload of groceries. "I got some cider from Gillespie's. How's Emma?" "Having a good time," Oliver said. "A couple of bees checked her out. No harm done. I think she likes it outside."

There was Ching Wang in the centre of the group, holding Captain Gillespie's pet gold and silver crower and urging it on to fight one of the other cocks, which the carpenter was officiating for as "bottle holder" in the most scientific way, he apparently being no novice at the cruel sport.

In turn, Gillespie's kick-out was followed by a run on the part of Sellar and Hamilton, and a "hand" by one of the Vale of Leven backs gave Smellie a chance of doing something with a free kick. It was very hard work, however, for both, and the opinion began to gain ground that the team who could keep up their stamina longest would be the winners.

I called it "In Summer Days of Long Ago," and I worked Mary Gillespie's roses and Cecil Fenwick's eyes into it, and made it so sad and reminiscent and minor-musicky that I felt perfectly happy. For the next two months all went well and merrily.

The bar at Gillespie's was at the front of the house. In the rear were the faro and poker tables, the roulette wheels, and the other conveniences for separating hurried patrons from their money. The Bear Cat House did its gambling strictly on the level, but there was the usual percentage in favor of the proprietor. Mollie was sitting in an armchair on a small raised platform about halfway back.