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Hamilton Fish , Francis L. Loring , George G. McMurty , Robert L. Gerry , Clifford V. Brokaw , Henry Mortimer Brooks , William Guggenheim , Frank Jay Gould , Frederick Lewisohn , Mrs. Isadore Wormser , Mrs. William Watts Sherman , Vincent Astor , Mrs. At this point begins what prior to 1840 was the farm of Robert Lenox, extending on to what is now Seventy-third Street.

It is accordingly to Elbridge Gerry and Caleb Strong that posterity are indebted for here preventing a tie, and thus bringing the vexed question to a happy issue.

That Mason and Gerry, valuable as their services had been in the making of the Constitution, would now go home and vigorously oppose it, there was no doubt. Of the delegates who were present on the last day of the convention, all but these three signed the Constitution. In the signatures the twelve states which had taken part in the work were all represented, Hamilton signing alone for New York.

Baltimore, January 13, 1788. Luther Martin, II. MR. GODDARD: Sir, In consequence of the justice I did Mr. Gerry, on a former occasion, I find myself complimented with an Address in your last Paper.

So he described his experiences during the day, and was surprised at the interest shown by the officer in the recital. When he had finished he was told that he would be taken to the police station. "You needn't be afraid, my lad," said the policeman. "I'll see that the Gerry Society doesn't get you and send you home, that is, if you think you want to try it here a few days longer.

I am satisfied that there was no committee while I was there, of whose proceedings I was not at leastso minutely informed,” that an attempt of so extraordinary a nature as that attributed to Mr. Gerry, and attended with such an immediate and remarkable revolution in his conduct, could not have taken place without my having heard something concerning it.

Her niece observed a slight self-consciousness at such times, and wondered a little who Mr. George Gerry might be. Nan thought of many things before she fell asleep that night. Her ideas of her father had always been vague, and she had somehow associated him with Dr. Leslie, who had shown her all the fatherliness she had ever known.

His friend Elbridge Gerry had endeavored to dissuade him from risking his life in this perilous conflict, "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori," replied Warren, as if he had foreseen his fate a fate to be envied by those ambitious of an honorable fame. He was one of the first who fell in the glorious cause of his country, and his name has become consecrated in its history.

Bryce, "The American Commonwealth," vol. ii., note on p. 81. Governor Gerry contrived an electorate which resembled a salamander in shape. The single transferable vote, generally known as the Hare system, was first invented by a Danish statesman, M. Andrae, and was used for the election of a portion of the "Rigsraad" in 1855. In 1857 Mr.

One figure we miss that of Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, tall and wiry and red-curled, who was absent in Paris as Minister to France. Massachusetts sent four representatives, important but not preëminent Elbridge Gerry, Nathaniel Gorham, Rufus King, and Caleb Strong. New York had only two besides Hamilton; Robert Yates and John Lansing.