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As to tampering with the money-safe intrusted to his keeping " "We must force him on," replied Clameran, "lead him into extravagances, make Gypsy call on him for costly finery, lend him plenty of money." Raoul shook his head, as if convinced that his efforts would be vain. "You don't know Prosper, uncle: we can't galvanize a dead man. Madeleine killed him the day she discarded him.

But the theorists, the men of spurious knowledge, will in vain have heaped up their farrago of quibbles and arguments, their fallacies drawn from so-called precedents or from so-called economic and ethnic necessity; for the simple, brutal and magnificent cry of life renders useless the efforts they make to galvanize and erect doctrines which cannot stand alone.

"But since I hadn't remembered to have myself born six or seven million years ago, I can't somehow seem to galvanize a very active interest in the dead-and-gone periods." "Nor I," she confessed frankly, "though for daddy's sake I do try to. But for us who are living to-day there are so many problems of critically vital importance problems that the pterodactyls never knew anything about."

Calyste kept silence, so I added, "We'll respect the dead." Still Calyste was silent. "Have I displeased you?" I asked. "No; but cease to galvanize that passion," he answered. What a speech! Calyste, when he saw me all cast down by it, redoubled his care and tenderness. August.

When he seemed about to collapse with fatigue, tell him that there had been a big haul of German prisoners on the Ridge and the blaze of delight in his dark eyes would galvanize him. If he should falter again, a shout of, "Vive l'Entente cordiale!

By every human standard, the Cause should have succumbed to a barrage of opposition without parallel in recent history. Far from succumbing, it flourished. Its reputation rose, its membership vastly increased, its influence spread beyond the dreams of earlier generations of its followers. Persecution served to galvanize its supporters’ efforts.

Sometimes for a quarter of a century the sluggish stream of life oozes by, bearing no hint of deeds, or faces, that perchance shed glory, or perhaps lent gloom to the far past, a past well-nigh forgotten and inurned in the gathering grey of time, and suddenly without premonition, the slow monotonous current ripples and swells into waves that bear to our feet fateful countenances, unwelcome as grave-ghouls, and the world grows garrulous of incidents that once more galvanize the shrouded Bygone.

On the 2nd July Edicts still continued to appear attempting to galvanize to life the corpse of Imperialism and the puzzled populace flew the Dragon Flag.

In other words, his plan was to strangle the speculation and get hold of it as a dead thing, which he might galvanize back to life when it suited him.

For the first few seconds the Grammar School boys stood as if chained to the ground, their eyes staring with alarm and horror. They stared at the man, apparently of middle age, who lay there, and they beheld the blood. What on earth could have happened? Boom! It was a lesser explosion that now sounded inside, yet it was enough to galvanize the boys into action.