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Updated: August 18, 2024

As Peter has told you, James interrupted, there be no water here, not a spring nor a rivulet, nothing in which a fish could live; we're fishermen stranded in a desert without boats or nets, which would be of no use to us, nor am I gainsaying it; but if he gives himself as a victim how shall we get back to Galilee?

He was one of the happy few who are really content; for in the corps as Officer Commanding he could indulge continuously in his favourite pastime of hearing his own voice, and as a clerk in orders the pulpit presented admirable opportunities for long talks that brooked no interruptions. In the common room his prolix anecdotes were not encouraged. But in the pulpit there was no gainsaying him.

Substantially the creed maintained by each was the same creed, and they were both more emphatic proclaimers of it than any other contemporary poets. But their ways of holding and of maintaining that creed were far apart. Wordsworth enunciated his doctrines as if he had never met with, and never expected to meet with, any gainsaying of them.

There was no gainsaying the likeness; even the rakish tilt of the jaunty felt hat, caused by the wind and that wild dash across country, was painstakingly reproduced. And the fanciful tucks on the sleeve of the gown "and I didn't suppose he had deigned so much as a glance!" was her first coherent thought. Miss Whitmore's soul burned with resentment.

"Oh, do listen to the bookworm," cried Elma. "In short," continued Bessie; "that we should become accomplished women that is undoubtedly the real object of school." "Well, we are not gainsaying it," said Gwin. "We all know, dear Bessie, what you feel about learning; it is the breath of life to you." "It is, I rejoice in it," said Bessie.

So he deemed that all was as well as it might be with the Bride, and with a good heart fell to taking counsel with the others; and kindly and friendly were the redes which they held there, with no gainsaying of man by man, for the whole folk was glad at heart.

A man's duty is his duty, and a woman's duty is her duty." "You same to like the brig and her captain, Jack Tier," observed Biddy, "and there's no use in gainsaying such a likin'. What will come to pass, must come to pass. Captain Spike is a mighty great sailor, anyway." "He's a willian!" muttered Jack. "There!" cried Rose, almost breathless, "there is a rock above the water, surely.

"Answer!" taking a step forward. "Ten livres," sullenly. The Chevalier's hands opened and closed, convulsively. "Give me those livres," he commanded. "To you?" The corporal's jaw fell. "What do you . . . ?" "Be quick about it, man, if you love your worthless life!" There was no gainsaying the devil in the Chevalier's eyes. Scowling blackly, the corporal emptied his pockets.

"But it's yes, Father John, and I'm not saying what you'd rather do, but showing you your duty; so at five, Thady, you'll be down, and see what sort of a mess Judy makes of the goose." There was no gainsaying this, so Thady started off for Ballycloran, and Father John once more set about performing his parochial duties.

In a frost like this poverty is twice as hard, and the thief is more cunning and evildoers more violent. There's no gainsaying it! I am turned seventy, I've a fur coat now, and at home I have a stove and rums and punches of all sorts. The frost means nothing to me now; I take no notice of it, I don't care to know of it, but how it used to be in old days, Holy Mother! It's dreadful to recall it!

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