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Another rush of feet and down upon Lugur's forces poured the frog-men, their booming giant leading, thrusting with their lances, tearing and rending with talons and fangs and spurs. Against that onslaught the dwarfs could not stand. They raced for the shells; I heard Lugur shouting, menacingly and then Lakla's voice, pealing like a golden bugle of wrath. "Go, Lugur!" she cried.

Lakla shivered; gave a command. The frog-men moved about; peering here and there; lifting unseen folds revealing in stark rigidity torn form after form of the priestess's men. Lakla had been right her Akka were thorough fighters! She called, and to her came the frog-woman who was her attendant.

Yes, and with ten thousand feet of space under me an' bursting shells tickling the ribs of the boat I was in. An' d'ye think I'll sit now on the grandstand an' watch while a game like this is being pulled? Ye don't know your future husband, soul of my delight!" And so we started toward the golden opening, squads of the frog-men following us soldierly and disappearing about the huge structure.

Lakla signalled the frog-men; they advanced toward the two but Olaf saw them, broke the red dwarf's hold, sent Lugur reeling a dozen feet away. "No!" shouted the Norseman, the ice of his pale-blue eyes glinting like frozen flames, blood streaming down his face and dripping from his hands. "No! Lugur is mine! None but me slays him!

And re-enforcing those out on the prodigious arch, the frog-men stationed in the gardens below us poured back to the castle and out through the open Portal. "They're licked!" shouted Larry. "They're " So quickly I could not follow the movement his automatic leaped to his hand spoke, once and again and again.

I hope that you will pardon me for this somewhat academic digression, but I felt it was necessary, and it has, at least, put me more at ease. And now to resume. We had watched, Larry and I, the frog-men throw the bodies of Yolara's assassins into the crimson waters. As vultures swoop down upon the dying, there came sailing swiftly to where the dead men floated, dozens of the luminous globes.

Her voice grew silk of silver merciless, cruel. "Now am I minded to send another answer to the Silent Ones. Yea! But not by you, Lakla; by these" she pointed to the frog-men, and, swift as light, her hand darted into her bosom, bringing forth the little shining cone of death.

"Come!" said the soldier; again hand in hand we went blindly on. O'Keefe was muttering to himself. "Flower of cold fire! Don't look into his eyes! Some joint! Damned superstition." Then he chuckled and carolled, softly: "Oh, mama, pin a cold rose on me; Two young frog-men are in love with me; Shut my eyes so I can't see." "Sh!" Rador was warning; he began whispering.

She understood our plight, if not his words; gave a soft little cry of mingled pity and self-reproach; forced us back upon the cushions. "Oh, but I'm sorry!" mourned Lakla, leaning over us. "I had forgotten for those new to it the way is a weary one, indeed " She ran to the doorway, whistled a clear high note down the passage. Through the hangings came two of the frog-men.

Nearer and nearer the verge of the ledge they pushed Nak's warriors. Leaping upon the dwarfs, smiting them with spear and club, with teeth and spur, the Akka fought like devils. Quivering under the ray, they leaped and dragged down and slew. Now there was but one long line of the frog-men at the very edge of the cliff. And ever the clouds of dancing, diamonded atoms grew thicker over them all!