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Here as in some other parts of France, there is an old custom, dating from the times of the Latin civilization, in virtue of which a woman takes her husband's name, with the addition of a feminine termination, and this girl has been called La Fosseuse, after her father. "The laborer had married the waiting-woman of some countess or other who owns an estate at a distance of a few leagues.

Then, passing his arm familiarly through Chicot's, the king went back to his room, where supper was served. Passing by the queen's room, he glanced at it, and saw no light. "Her majesty is gone to see Mademoiselle de Montmorency, who is ill." "Ah! poor Fosseuse!" said Henri: "it is true, the queen has such a good heart. Come to supper, Chicot." The repast was joyous.

Ten minutes later the gate opened again and Lebat came out with a cloaked female figure. She hesitated on the top step, and then refusing to touch the hand Lebat held out to assist her, stepped down and entered the coach. "Rue Fosseuse No. 18," Lebat said as he followed her. Harry drove on, and was soon in the Rue Montagnard.

He was fond of the society of ladies, and, moreover, was at that time greatly enamoured with Fosseuse, who held the place in his affections which Rebours had lately occupied. Fosseuse did me no ill offices, so that the King my husband and I continued to live on very good terms, especially as he perceived me unwilling to oppose his inclinations.

The Catholic nobility of the neighbourhood of Baviere used their utmost endeavours to divert my chagrin, for the month or five weeks that the King my husband and Fosseuse stayed at Aigues-Caudes.

"Now, let us go in to breakfast. La Fosseuse is very anxious to see you," said Benassis, giving Adrien a gentle tap on the cheek. Genestas took the doctor's arm and drew him a little aside. "Then he is not consumptive after all?" he asked. "No more than you or I." "Then what is the matter with him?" "Pshaw!" answered Benassis; "he is a little run down, that is all."

"I should like to find a husband for my Fosseuse. I should be glad to make over one of my farms to some good fellow who would make her happy. And she would be happy. The poor girl would love her children to distraction; for motherhood, which develops the whole of a woman's nature, would give full scope to her overflowing sentiments. She has never cared for any one, however.

Henri began in the tone of a penitent who has some great sin to acknowledge. "You know the great interest I take in Fosseuse?" "Ah!" cried Marguerite, triumphantly, seeing he was not about to accuse her; "yes, yes; the little Fosseuse, your friend." "Yes, madame." "My lady in waiting." "Yes." "Your passion your love." "Ah! you speak now just like one of the reports you were abusing just now."

The old gentleman went on as follows: Whiskers! cried the queen of Navarre, dropping her knotting ball, as La Fosseuse uttered the word Whiskers, madam, said La Fosseuse, pinning the ball to the queen's apron, and making a courtesy as she repeated it.

She gave me to understand that Fosseuse laboured to do me every ill office in her power; that she spoke of me with the greatest disrespect on all occasions, and expressed her expectations of marrying the King herself, in case she should be delivered of a son, when I was to be divorced.