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Then Mascarin will disappear, our faithful Beaumarchef will be in the United States, and we can afford to laugh at the police." "It seems like a success," said the doctor, "but push on for mercy's sake; all these delays and fluctuations will make me seriously ill." The two worthy associates held this conversation in a doorway, anxious to be sure that Flavia had kept her promise.

In June, 1830, he again expressed his views on the policy and prospects of the administration. He said it was impossible to foresee what would be the fluctuations of popular opinion. Hitherto there were symptoms of changes of opinion among members of Congress, but none among the people. These could be indicated only by the elections.

By whatever causes produced, where such a centre of commerce exists, there always will be found a point of general interest to mankind, to all, at least, of those peoples who, whether directly commercial or not, share in the wide-spreading benefits and inconveniences arising from the fluctuations of trade.

How many fluctuations are there in the state of the markets during those twelve months! It is one of the greatest of evils to have no regular post-office communication between the Mother Country and her colonies, and the interests of trade in both greatly suffer by it. Much has been said lately of establishing steam communication with Sydney.

Leaving off backing numbers en plein, he laid his venture a cheval; then tried it upon the dozens; then upon two numbers; then upon a square; and, apparently getting nearer and nearer defeat, at last upon the simple chances of even or odd, over or under, red or black. Yet with a few fluctuations in his favour fortune bore steadily against him, till he could breast her blows no longer.

It has taken long ages of toilsome and often fruitless labor to enable man to look steadily at the shifting scenes of the phantasmagoria of Nature, to notice what is fixed among her fluctuations, and what is regular among her apparent irregularities; and it is only comparatively lately, within the last few centuries, that the conception of a universal order and of a definite course of things, which we term the course of Nature, has emerged.

An innate comprehension of his thought permitted them to follow all the fluctuations of his azure wave. There is one thing which is worth inquiring into before we close this chapter, for it may help us to a deeper insight into Chopin's character as a teacher I mean his teaching repertoire.

Germany was now divided into two great leagues, the Catholic and the Protestant. Though nominally religious parties, they were political as well as religious, and subject to all the fluctuations and corruptions attending such combinations.

Here he stood for some time, muffled up in his robe, peering over the shoulders of the players, watching the changes of their countenances and the fluctuations of the game. So completely engrossed were they, that the presence of this muffled eaves-dropper was unnoticed and, having executed his bravado, he retired undiscovered.

The practice of fixing the price of many necessary commodities must have aggravated the natural evil consequences of such fluctuations. This grievance had the good result of fixing the attention of scholars on the money question.