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You saw the lord Jacopo last night; what do you think of him? He is a fine-looking young man. Should not any girl be glad to get such a handsome husband? What do you think? And his name, too! one of the best in the Great Council. They say he has a few debts, but his father is very rich, and has promised me that he will pay everything if only his son can be brought to marry and lead a graver life.

"Jacobi is an Italian Jew, is he not?" Mr. Rossiter nodded. "Yes, his father was an artist model in Rome a fine-looking old fellow, I believe and his mother sold flowers in the market. Some one told me she had been a model too, and that they were rather a shady couple; but peace to their manes! They have joined the majority long ago." "And Saul Jacobi was a billiard-marker?"

In the morning the fellow came into our room apologizing for the intrusion. He appeared a smart, fine-looking young man, restless and uneasy. P.D. has a way of disposing of intruders that is quite effectual. I have not entirely disposed of some misgivings with respect to the legitimacy of his use of the means, so he commenced reading aloud in the Bible.

So many people passed that way from the dining-room beyond, and so many of these were tall, fine-looking and well-dressed. It began to look bad for this man, if indeed he were the one we had seen under the street-lamp; and, as George and I reviewed the situation, we felt our position to be serious enough for us severally to set down our impressions of this man before we lost our first vivid idea.

To crown the misfortune of such an accident it would make the whole of Europe laugh, and people would not fail to say that the Doge of Venice had gone at last to consummate his marriage. I had removed my mask, and was drinking some coffee under the 'procuraties' of St. Mark's Square, when a fine-looking female mask struck me gallantly on the shoulder with her fan.

As the Saxon soldiers wore pale blue, I wondered what army he could belong to. He was a fine-looking young man, with tailor-made shoulders, a small waist and silver and black on his sword-belt. When he turned to the stage, I looked at him through my opera-glasses. On closer inspection, he was even handsomer than I had thought.

Let me here relate an incident to show that between individuals of the opposing hosts there was no animosity. During a lull in the battle I left the regiment and circumspectly proceeded forward to reconnoiter. I found in a wood a Yankee captain dangerously wounded, a fine-looking man and handsomely dressed.

He was describing their fancy-dress ball to me the other day, and really his description of Mr Mitchell's costume would have been almost spiteful in any other man. 'Well, but Mr Mitchell is over sixty. And he was got up as a black poodle. 'Yes; quite so. But he's a fine-looking man, isn't he? And very pleasant and hospitable? 'Oh yes, of course.

To the eastward of this chalk promontory was a large fine-looking town, which stretched in a wide semicircle round the shores of a curving bay. "That's Beachy Head," said Sampson, pointing at the cliff. "It's the hoiest p'int down Channel, and they have a look-out place up there to report ships as pass. It was a Muster Lloyd as put it up.

I inquired from a person who sat by me, indicating to him the men of whom I have spoken. "The prairie men." "The prairie men!" "Yes; the Santa Fe traders." "Traders!" I echoed, in some surprise, not being able to connect such "elegants" with any ideas of trade or the prairies. "Yes," continued my informant. "That large, fine-looking man in the middle is Bent Bill Bent, as he is called.