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About three weeks from this last operation, the sinus or pouch within the knee-joint being so imperfectly drained as above indicated, I made an opening directly into the joint at the outer and posterior part, one inch long, through which I could introduce the probe between the ends of the femur and tibia, without any difficulty, through all parts of the joint.

Secondary cancer of bone is attended with pain, or it suddenly attracts notice by the occurrence of pathological fracture as, for example, in the shaft of the femur or humerus. In the vertebræ, it is attended with a painful form of paraplegia, which may involve the lower or all four extremities.

Displacement or partial extrusion of the dead bone may cause complications, as when a sequestrum derived from the trigone of the femur perforates the popliteal artery or the cavity of the knee-joint, or a sequestrum of the pelvis perforates the wall of the urinary bladder.

Every bone was in its natural place, the femur, tibia, fibula, ankle-bone, or astragalus, all in juxtaposition. Even the patella or detached bone of the knee-pan was searched for, and not in vain.

In the Anatomical Museum at Bonn, under the designation of 'Giant's-bones, are some recent thigh-bones, with which in thickness the foregoing pretty nearly correspond, although they are shorter. Length...542 = 21.4"...438 = 17.4". Diameter of head of femur...54 = 2.14"...53 = 2.0". Diameter of lower articular end, from one condyle to the other...89 = 3.5"...87 = 3.4".

The clavicle or humerus may sustain greenstick fracture from the child being lifted by the arms; the femur, by a fall. From the extreme laxity of the ligaments, the joints can be moved beyond the normal limits, and the child is often observed to twist its limbs into abnormal attitudes. In Children who have walked.

Diameter of femur in the middle...33 = 1.2"...30 = 1.1". A perfect right humerus, whose size shows that it belongs to the thigh-bones. mm. Length...312 = 12.3". Thickness in the middle...26 = 1.0". Diameter of head...49 = 1.9". "Also a perfect right radius of corresponding dimensions, and the upper-third of a right ulna corresponding to the humerus and radius.

Without a doubt, this skull of a chimpanzee, and femur of a man, belong to a modern beast and a modern man, buried by floods or earthquakes, or some other convulsion of nature, or by slow accumulations. It is said that the Jerusalem of Christ's day is buried 20 feet under the surface, by the quiet accretions of the dust of 1900 years. Rome also has been covered up in recent centuries.

Within a week or two a swelling appears at the site of injury, and becomes progressively harder until its consistence is that of bone. If the mass of new bone moves with the affected muscle, it causes little inconvenience. If, as is commonly the case, it is fixed to the femur, the action of the muscle is impaired, and the patient complains of pain and difficulty in flexing the knee.

The Columbus State Journal, of Dec. 6, says "there is now on exhibition at the rooms of the State Board of Agriculture, or headquarters of the Geological Corps, a section of the femur or thigh bone of an animal of the mastodon species, the fossilized remains of which were recently discovered in Union county.