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Updated: August 25, 2024

Coleridge drops the subject of Poetry for the present, and proceeds to other important matters. We regret that Mr. Coleridge has passed over without notice all the years which he spent "in the happy quiet of ever-honoured Jesus College, Cambridge."

Sir, The language of gratitude has been so prostituted by servile adulation and designing flattery that I know not how to express myself when I would acknowledge receipt of your last letter. I beg and hope, ever-honoured "Friend of my life and patron of my rhymes," that you will always give me credit for the sincerest, chastest gratitude.

The words of holy trust, though perhaps they were not fully understood, carried a faithful peace down into the depths of his soul. As he looked up, he saw the young couple standing on the middle of the floor. He pushed his iron-rimmed spectacles on to his forehead, and rose to greet the daughter of his old master and ever-honoured mistress. "God bless thee, lass; God bless thee!

Pardon me therefore, my dear and ever-honoured pupil, if I may seem to offend against those minuter laws of etiquette, which were made only for common cases. At so important a crisis it is necessary to be plain. Your lordship is very cunning, but I never imagined that you were remarkably wise.

I attended my ever-honoured master and mistress, as you know, on their journey. Tedious and wearisome it proved, for the roads were bad, the weather unfavourable, and horses sometimes not to be had, so that it was two days later than the time we had calculated upon when we reached the fatal sea-port. Would to heaven we had never entered its gates!

You have not brought me up to be mean. So, Clary! you are already at defiance with your father! I have had too much cause before to apprehend as much What will this come to? I, and then my dear mamma sighed I, am forced to put up with many humours That you are, my ever-honoured Mamma, is my grief.

Oh! you are the very image of Sir Everhard in his youth; but you have got the eyes, the complexion, the sweetness, and complacency of my dear and ever-honoured lady." This was not in the strain of hireling praise; but the genuine tribute of esteem and admiration.

'Once at Abbot's-Cernel, and another time at the Red Lion, Melchester. 'O thou deceitful girl! cried Mrs. Dornell. 'An accident took you to the Red Lion whilst I was staying at the White Hart! I remember you came in at twelve o'clock at night and said you'd been to see the cathedral by the light o' the moon! 'My ever-honoured mamma, so I had! I only went to the Red Lion with him afterwards.

"MY EVER-HONOURED FRIEND, The disorder I was attacked with in the King's Bench Prison has proved consumptive, with which I have battled with various success, although without one single day's health, since I took leave of you in Burlington Street; it is now so far got the better of me that I am not able to turn myself in my bed, so that my stay in this world must be of very short duration.

He replied: "Ever-honoured, great Calypso, let it not displease thee, that I a mortal man desire to see and converse again with a wife that is mortal: human objects are best fitted to human infirmities.

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