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Updated: August 24, 2024

We got to the depo about an hour too early, but I wuz glad we wuz on time, for it would have worked Josiah up dretfully ef we hadn't been, for he had spent most of the latter part of the night in gittin' up and walkin' out to the clock seein' if it wuz train time. Jest before we started, who should come runnin' down to the depo but Sam Nugent wantin' to send a errent by me to Washington.

He greeted Cicely with so much politeness and courtesy, and smiled so at her, that I knew in my own mind that all she would have to do would be to tell her errent. I knew he would do every thing jest as she wanted him to. His smile was truly bland I don't think I ever see a blander one, or amiabler.

So Miss Smith went with me, and she and I sallied out alone: her name bein' Sally, too, made it seem more singuler and coincidin'. She asked me if I didn't want to go to the Patent Office. And I told her, "Yes," And I told her of Betsy Bobbet's errent, and that Josiah had charged me expresly to go there, and get him a patent pail.

And Serepta told me to tell you that she didn't ask the rights of a angel; she would be perfectly contented and proud, if you would give her the rights of a dog the assured political rights of a yeller dog. She said yeller and I'm bound on doin' her 'errent jest as she wanted it done, word for word.

And Dorlesky told me to tell you that she didn't ask the rights of a angel: she would be perfectly contented and proud if you would give her the rights of a dog the assured political rights of a yeller dog. She said 'yeller; and I am bound on doin' her errent jest as she wanted me to, word for word.

Josiah always looks tired in the mornin' when he has got his milkin' and barn-chores done, so it didn't surprise me. And havin' calculated to tackle him on my own errent first, consequently I tackled him. I told him how deep my love and devotion to my pardner wuz. And he said, "he had heard of it." And I says, "I s'pose so. I s'pose such things will spread, bein' a sort of a rarity.

I sithed agin, three times, but Miss Tutt didn't notice 'em a mite no more'n they'd been giggles or titters. She wouldn't have took no notice of them. She wuz firm and decided doin' her own errent, and not payin' no attention to anything, nor anybody else. "Ardelia, read the poem you have got under your arm to Miss Allen!

No, I do jest as well by Josiah Allen from day to day, as if he wuz company, or lay out to. Casper came over on a errent about that buzz saw mill. He wuz in dretful good spirits, though he looked kinder peaked. He had jest got home from the city. It happened dretful curius, but jest at this time Casper Keeler had had to go to New York on business.

"Ah, yes! I would be glad, Josiah Allen's wife, to do her errent. I think Dorlesky is justified in asking to have the Ring destroyed. But I am not the one to go to I am not the one to do her errent." Says I, "Who is the man, or men?" Says he, "James G. Blaine." Says I, "Is that so? I will go right to James G. Blaineses." So I spoke to the boy.

I wus glad on his account, and also on my own; for at the last minute, as you may say, who should come a runnin' down to the depot but Sam Shelmadine, a wantin' to send a errent by me to Washington. He kinder wunk me out to one side of the waitin'-room, and asked me "if I would try to get him a license to steal horses."

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