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Updated: August 21, 2024

Words began to proceed from him, tripping and stumbling over each other. Lord Emsworth's frigid disapproval did not relax. "Pray do not apologize, Baxter. The desire for food is human. It is your boisterous mode of securing and conveying it that I deprecate. Let us all go to bed." "But, Lord Emsworth " "To bed!" repeated his lordship firmly. The company began to stream moodily upstairs.

In order to see something of this low and muddy coast, which has seen so much of the history of England, I set out from Bosham very early one morning, intending to make my way through Emsworth and Havant, by the Roman road which joins Chichester and Southampton and runs across the north of these creeks, which may perhaps be considered as one great port of which only the more western part is famous still.

He sighted Lord Emsworth and secured him with a genteel pounce. "A table, your lordship? This way, your lordship." Adams remembered him, of course. Adams remembered everybody. Lord Emsworth followed him beamingly and presently came to anchor at a table in the farther end of the room. Adams handed him the bill of fare and stood brooding over him like a providence.

The hall was very dark and the burglars seemed temporarily to have suspended activities. And then one of them, a man with a ruffianly, grating voice, spoke. What it was he said Lord Emsworth could not understand. It sounded like "Heh! Mer!" probably some secret signal to his confederates. Lord Emsworth raised his revolver and emptied it in the direction of the sound.

The Major groaned, and things seemed to have reached a pass very like open enmity between father and son, though Peregrine still lived at home, and reports were rife that the year of mourning for his brother being expired, he was, as soon as he came of age, to be married to Mistress Martha Browning, and have an establishment of his own at Emsworth.

"Freddie, my boy," he began, "we have a somewhat unpleasant a somewhat er disturbing We are compelled to break it to you. We are all most pained and astounded; and " The Efficient Baxter spoke. It was plain he was in a bad temper. "Miss Peters," he snapped, "has eloped with your friend Emerson." Lord Emsworth breathed a sigh of relief. "Exactly, Baxter. Precisely!

The Earl of Emsworth stood in the doorway of the Senior Conservative Club's vast diningroom, and beamed with a vague sweetness on the two hundred or so Senior Conservatives who, with much clattering of knives and forks, were keeping body and soul together by means of the coffee-room luncheon. He might have been posing for a statue of Amiability.

You would never have thought it, to look at him when engaged in his professional duties, but Adams had built up a substantial reputation as a humorist in his circle by his imitations of certain members of the club; and it was a matter of regret to him that he got so few opportunities nowadays of studying the absent-minded Lord Emsworth.

And for Lord Emsworth the only flaw in this best of all possible worlds had been removed. Yes, he was glad Freddie was engaged to be married to Aline Peters. He liked Aline. He liked Mr. Peters.

She flies Dutch colours, but who can say whence she really comes? A pretty thing if we were snapped up by a buccaneer and sold in the Plantations! 'A buccaneer in the Solent! cried I derisively. 'We shall be seeing the black flag in Emsworth Creek next. But hark! What is that? The crack of a musket sounded from aboard the brig.

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