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For I am compelled to reveal to you a secret." He paused, and folding his arms, looked fixedly down upon his clerk. "Mr. Bly, Tappington Brooks, the brother of your sweetheart, was a defaulter and embezzler from this bank!" Herbert sat dumfounded and motionless. "Understand two things," continued Mr. Carstone quickly. "First, that no purer or better women exist than Miss Brooks and her mother.

Having accomplished his fiendish work, the miscreant left, justly fearing our wrath. The Stinging Lizard's exposure of this scoundrel as a drunkard, embezzler, wife-beater, jail-bird, thief, and general all-round blackleg prompted this outrage. Never mind, the creature will hear from us.

I do not know anything about it; I do not wish to know anything; I do not need it, since I know, from other sources, that 'Bourrienne's Memoirs' are hardly less spurious than, say, the 'Souvenirs of the Marquise de Créqui' or the 'Memoirs of Monsieur d'Artagnan. But if these so-called 'Memoirs' are really not his, what has Bourrienne himself to do here? and suppose the former secretary of the First Consul to have been, instead of the shameless embezzler whom Prince Napoleon so fully and so uselessly describes to us, the most honest man in the world, would the 'Memoirs' be any more reliable, since it is a fact that he wrote nothing? ...

But all the venom of suspicion was wholly engaged with Frank Vaniman, the son of an embezzler. Squire Hexter, armed with authority and information given him by the young man, had repeatedly waited on Tasper Britt and had asked what attitude the president proposed to take at the trial.

The international police needed no treaties of extradition. The New York embezzler who fled to Nairobi was sent back as a matter of course without delay. Any man was free to go and live where he chose, to manufacture, buy, and sell as he saw fit.

My father was Carleton Bennett, the embezzler, the thief, the man whose name was and is a disgrace all over the country. Mother and I came here to hide from that disgrace, to begin a new, clean life under a clean name. Do you think ? Oh, you don't understand!" "I understand all right. This is the first time I HAVE understood.

"Unfortunately, she was the daughter of a thief." "A thief!" "That ain't the right word. Embezzler, I reckon, would fit better. Leastwise, he'd made away with other folks' money, meanin' to put it back, no doubt, if he happened to strike the right lead. Luck was dead against him. Mind ye, he was a good citizen enough, as Westerners go. I don't deny that he'd average up as well as most.

This is a keg of pickles, not powder. Look," and poking into the bung-hole, he dragged out a green cucumber dripping with brine. "Take this back, and give us the powder." "Pooh," said Paul, "the powder is at the bottom, pickled powder, best way to keep it. Away with ye, now, and after that bloody embezzler, Paul Jones." This was Sunday. The ships held on.

"Cooke," he replied, "I appreciate your generosity, I really do. I know no offence is meant. The mistake is, in fact, most pardonable." In Mr. Cooke amazement and admiration were clamoring for utterance. "Damn me," he sputtered, "if you're not the coolest embezzler I ever saw." The Celebrity laughed again. Then he surveyed the circle.

I wish to thank you, and to apologize for any hasty expressions I may have dropped by mistake, and I would it were possible to convince you that I am neither a maniac nor an embezzler. But, if it's just the same to you, I believe I can get along without the disguise you mentioned, and so save Mr. Crocker his pains.