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One reason may have been that on special occasions perfumed water was offered to some guest of importance, for the washing of the hands after eating. By her manner though not in words Lady Ebba conveyed the idea that it was as well to have some one in the house who had time and taste for such things.

"You?" "My very self, and from that moment I promised myself the pleasure of having you for a fellow-passenger on board the Ebba." I do not recall ever having seen this Serko at Healthful House, but what he says is very likely true. "I hope your whim of having me for a companion will cost you dear, some day or other," I say to myself.

Captain Spade and the crew of the Ebba remain behind, with the exception of four men who man the dinghy, which has been lowered. They have hold of a long hawser, with which the schooner is probably to be towed through the reef. Is there then a creek in the middle of the rocks where the vessel is secure from the breakers? Is this the port to which she belongs?

"This is my own chest, where my grandmother keeps everything I make," she said, as she lifted the cover and took out a bundle. Opening the bundle, she unrolled a funny little rug. Pointing to a wide black stripe in the middle, Gerda said, "That was for the time I broke the vinegar jug, and spoiled Ebba Jorn's dress." "Oh, tell me about it!" cried Karen.

The officer in command of the boarding-party a first lieutenant advanced towards the owner of the schooner, and the following questions and answers were exchanged: "This schooner belongs to the Count d'Artigas, to whom, I presume, I have the honor of speaking?" "Yes, sir." "What is her name?" "The Ebba." "She is commanded by? "Captain Spade." "What is his nationality?" "Hindo-Malay."

There are also three others known as Logger Head inlet, New inlet, and Oregon inlet. The Ocracoke was the one nearest the Ebba, and she could make it without tacking, but the Falcon was searching all vessels that passed through.

She is a warship, for a narrow pennant floats from her main-mast, and though she is not flying any flag I take her to be an American cruiser. I wonder whether the Ebba will render her the customary salute as she passes. No; for the schooner suddenly changes her course with the evident intention of avoiding her. This proceeding on the part of such a suspicious yacht does not astonish me greatly.

Fancy a mad genius who claimed that his discoveries were destined to revolutionize the methods of modern military art! As he had notified the director he would do, the Count d'Artigas presented himself in the afternoon at the door of Healthful House, accompanied by Captain Spade, the commander of the Ebba.

"You look so pretty, motherdy," said Ethelwyn approvingly, "So much prettier than black, cross old 'Vada, who always rolls her eyes at me and says, 'Miss Effel, you is de troublesomest chile dat ebba was bown. You have sense, and in that blue gown, white apron, and cap, you are pretty. You get prettier all the time you are getting old, mother. You'll be a beautiful angel when you are very old."

Father told me that once when the Danes tried to take your father's castle you held them off until he came back." Lady Ebba did not say anything. She rose and stalked away, but although her back was to Roger, Eleanor could see that she was actually smiling. Eleanor knew that story.