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"I should not feel it to be strange" if a Baconian told me that the effigy of a living ex-Chancellor were placed in the monument of the dead Will Shakspere, and if, on asking why the alteration was made, I were asked in reply, in Mr. Greenwood's words, "Was Dugdale's bust thought to bear too much resemblance to one who was not Shakspere of Stratford?

There is a chance more than a chance, that your husband has been saved. He has infinite presence of mind, and he is a young, strong, likely lad. But Brian poor Brian! my dear old friend!" Duke Dugdale's bravery gave way he was of such a gentle, tender heart. The sight of his emotion stilled Agatha's frenzy, and made it more like a natural grief, though it was hard yet hard as stone.

Monastic CARTULARIES are less important for general history in this than in previous periods; large masses of monastic records of this age have survived, not a tithe of which is to be found in DUGDALE'S Monasticon. For this period by far the most important series of foreign records is the magnificent collections of the papacy.

Thence I to my new bookseller's, and there bought "Hooker's Polity," the new edition, and "Dugdale's History of the Inns of Court," of which there was but a few saved out of the fire, and Playford's new Catch-book, that hath a great many new fooleries in it. Then home, a little at the office, and then to supper and to bed, mightily pleased with the new play. 16th.

Dugdale's observations led him to conclude that heredity is a latent cause which requires environment for its development. These 75 per cent., however, will be referred to again. There being 25 per cent. honest and industrious, brings us face to face with a question affecting the morality of Dr Chapple's proposal.

'Pretty comfortable this, isn't it, my dear? says Maine in a free-and-easy way to Mrs. Sackville; 'all the magazines, you see writing materials new works choice library, containing every work of importance what have we here? "Dugdale's Monasticon," a most valuable and, I believe, entertaining book. And proposing to take down one of the books for Mrs.

Again she tried to burst from him and fly, but her arm was caught, and Marmaduke Dugdale's grave look the look he fixed upon his own children when they erred, constraining them always into repentance and goodness was reading her inmost soul. "Go home, poor child! I'll not tell of you or him. Go home with your husband."

But if midsummer reigned over Nature, Spring, fresh, radiant Spring was in the hearts of those seeking the mild excitement of Calthorpe's race-track. Nan and young Dugdale laughed and chattered their way in the wake of the several couples ahead. Dugdale's desire to please was more than evident. And Nan was at no time difficult.

He's only shaking hands with his brother-in-law, both looking as pleased as ever they can look." The next moment Harrie and Agatha came up with the two gentlemen at the door of Mr. Dugdale's house. They were talking politically and earnestly, as men will do Nathanael having apparently forgotten the bitter cloud of a few minutes since, which yet lay heavy on his wife's heart.

He hastened to publish The Surey Impostor, in which, with a very good will, he made an assault upon the reality of Dugdale's fits, charged that he had been pre-instructed by the Catholics, and that the Non-Conformist clergymen were seeking a rich harvest from the miracles they should work. Self-glorification was their aim.