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They have a peculiar way of dropping their voices, too, which is sometimes disconcerting. But it is a clean wholesome language, undefined by the disgusting and childish obscenity which is too often a disgrace to other districts in England.

"I call that disgusting!" said the King. "Why diamonds should burn confidingly on my breast, and flash incredibly on yours, I'm sure I don't know. But there we are: a couple of clothes'-pegs for journalists to hang words on." The Queen had rather enjoyed the description, it enabled her to see herself as she appeared to others.

The authors, whose works you call disgusting and immoral, point out this, and afford you the most pathetic illustrations of its truth. You need not fear contamination from the vices which they portray. Their depravity is of too black a hue to have the least attraction, even to beings only removed a few degrees from the same guilt.

The judge, in giving sentence, said a condition, criminal per se, not fulfilled, did not invalidate an agreement a sentence abounding in wisdom, especially in this instance. Two months before this woman had become disgusting, my friend M. Memmo, afterwards procurator, asked me to take him to her house.

'I never, I don't, I can't'! What sort of talk is that?" "There's nothing funny about it," his cousin said sternly. "I want to know if you would mock at that poor man on the street?" "At Narnay?" "Yes." "Why not?" demanded Marty. "He's only an old drunk. And he is great fun." "He he is disgusting! He is horrid!" cried the girl earnestly.

Besides, for a certain time past Chilo had felt a repulsion for nakedness, for those disgusting and terrible figures lurking about suspected houses in the Subura or in the Trans-Tiber. Measuring everything with his own measure, and not having fathomed sufficiently the Christians or their religion, he judged that among them, too, he could find willing tools.

'Was this before or after supper? 'Oh! before oceans before. Isn't it perfectly disgusting? 'Let me think. I withhold judgment till tomorrow. Morning brings counsel. But morning brought only a servant with a dainty bouquet of Annandale roses for Mrs. Hauksbee to wear at the dance at Viceregal Lodge that night. 'He doesn't seem to be very penitent, said Mrs. Mallowe.

Other States passed more or less rigorous anti-lobby laws, and today, in no state Capitol, will the visitor see the disgusting sights that were usual thirty years ago arrogant and coarse professional "agents" mingling on the floor of the legislature with members, even suggesting procedure to presiding officers, and not infrequently commandeering a majority.

She talked bravely till the end of the disgusting meal, and then got up saying, "Well, Philip, I am sure you are ready for by-bye. We shall meet at twelve o'clock lunch tomorrow, if we don't meet before. They give us caffe later in our rooms." It was a little too impudent. Philip replied, "I should like to see you now, please, in my room, as I have come all the way on business."

In Anyuta, the medical student and his mistress live in a room disgusting in its squalor: Crumpled bed-clothes, pillows thrown about, boots, clothes, a big filthy slop pail filled with soap-suds in which cigarette-ends were swimming, and the litter on the floor all seemed as though purposely jumbled together in one confusion....