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Updated: August 8, 2024

One of them had been named Samuel Peters, and he, doubtless, was the owner of the ring. A humorous expression lurked in the couriers eye as he made his report, and heard Amy exclaim, in a tone of disgust and comical despair, "Samuel Peters! That spoils all the romance and dims the beauty of the diamond.

Seeing these four human beings together, holding them all as it were in one glance, letting my eye pass from one to the other, studying their countenances and their respective attitudes, thoughts steeped in sadness fell upon my heart as a fine gray rain dims a charming landscape after the sun has risen clear.

"That means that your revelations would wound me, the sun?" "Unless your lofty soul is too great to be reached by shadows which surround less noble women with an atmosphere of indescribable torture." "Do you intend to render your words more attractive by the veil with which you shroud them? It is transparent, and dims the vision very little.

If, for example, you have a stain upon your cheek which rivals in brilliancy the best Chateau-Margout; or, are afflicted with a nose whose lustre dims the ruby, you may employ such hues of dress, that the eye, instead of being shocked by the strangeness of the defect, will be charmed by the graceful harmony of the colours.

"You are right, my child; I was a fool to doubt you, but I am jealous of my honor, the most precious property of an honest man. Much can be bought with gold, but not honor. True honor is bright and clear as a mirror, and the slightest breath dims it. Oh, how would this envious, grudging, malignant world rejoice if it could only find a spot on my honor!

It was like meeting in a dream some one she had loved and who had turned into a stranger in a strange place. Just as Charleston had dimmed Ireland in her mind as a bright light dims a lesser light, so had some influence come between her and the memory of her father. That memory was just as distinct as ever, but grief had died from it, as though Time had been at work on it for years and years.

As the soldier looks, the sunlight falls more brightly on the gold, the incense curls in mystic spiral wreaths, its strong perfume penetrates and dims his senses; little by little, his thoughts wander till they are strangely fixed on something far away, and he no longer sees Pope nor altar nor altar-piece beyond, and is wrapped in a sort of waking sleep that is blindness.

Tell him to come and fetch me, and drink some wine. There stands three days' allowance; in this hot weather it dims my sight. "Does the paraschites live to the north or south of the Necropolis?" "I think to the north. Paaker, the king's pioneer, will show you the way." "He!" exclaimed the student, laughing. "What day in the calendar is this, then? Many days are noted as lucky, unlucky, etc.

Captivated by deceitful appearances, human confidence is perpetually misplaced, and therefore perpetually betrayed; the siren song of pleasure soothes the unhappy captives of her bewitching charms into the bosom of destruction the splendour of earthly distinctions dims the eye of sense, and prevents its perception of the bright realities of heaven.

Recall, for instance, the splendors of the external world and that best season of our climate, the long, slow-breathing autumn. What high pleasure we take in those hushed days of mid-November in the soft brown turf of the uplands, the fragrant smell of mellow earth and burning leaves, the purple haze that dims and magnifies the quiescent hills.

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