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Updated: August 13, 2024

Among civilized people there are three widely diferent views as to the proper course to be pursued: First, those who maintain that sexual intercourse should not take place except for the propagation of the species. Second, those who believe that the act is a love relation, mutually demanded and enjoyed by both sexes, and serving other purposes besides that of procreation.

Why can't you be like Leila, and settle down to haveing a good time?" "Leila and I are diferent," I said loftily, for I resented her tone. "Leila is a child of the moment. Life for her is one grand, sweet Song. For me it is a serious matter. `Life is real, life is earnest, and the Grave is not its goal," I quoted in impasioned tones. How can the Grave be its goal?

But of course I would not tell them the Password, and the cook said: "Be careful, Miss Bab. We are not playing. We are in terrable ernest." She did not sound like a cook at all, and she looked diferent, being very white and with to red spots on her cheeks. "So am I," I responded, although with shaking teeth. "And just wait until the Police hear of this and see what happens.

It cost six dollars and draws the sun down to my head but I don't say anything. I have six aunts and uncles all diferent names and ages but grown up. Uncle Peter is the most elderly, he is twenty-five. I know becase we gave him a birthday party with a cake. I sat at the table. I wore my crape da shine dress. You would think that was pretty, well it is.

Contact with this girl for half a day had left a very diferent Tarzan from the one on whom the morning's sun had risen. Now, in every fiber of his being, heredity spoke louder than training.

I have always desired an aristocratic noze, but a noze cannot be altered like teeth, unless broken and then generaly not improved. "I have tried a shell hair pin at night, but it falls off when I go to sleep," I said, in a despondant manner. We sat for some time, eating caromels and thinking about Leila, because there was nothing to do with my noze, but Leila was diferent.

How diferent was the reality! Having ascertained that there was a matinee, I departed at an early hour after luncheon, wearing my blue velvet with my fox furs.

This safe only my father can unlock, or rather, this I fondly believed until tonight. But how diferent are the facts! For William walked to it, after listening at the foot of the stairs, and opened it as if he had done so before quite often. He then took from it my father's Dispach Case, locked the safe again, and went back through the dining room.

"I haven't noticed any cherishing. They tolarate me, and hardly that." "I fear you are pessamistic," I said, reproving her but mildly, for Jane's school is well known to be harsh and uncompromizing. "However, my own feelings to my Instructers are diferent and quite friendly, especialy at a distance. I shall send them flowers."

Which I did not. That night I stood at the window of my Chamber and gazed with a heaving heart at the Gray residense, which is next door. Often before I had gazed at its walls, and considered them but brick and morter, and needing paint. Now my emotions were diferent. I realized that a House is but a shell, covering and protecting its precious contents from weather and curious eyes, et cetera.

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