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"Gaspare, I know that, but what could this woman have meant?" "Madonna! How should I know? Signora, how can I tell what a woman like that means? Such women have no sense, they talk, they gossip ah, ah, ah, ah!" he imitated the voice of a woman of the people "they are always on the door-step, their tongues are always going. Dio mio!

"Dio mio!" ejaculated the young girl. "The compliments are beginning in good earnest!" "It was time," said San Miniato, "since your mother " "Dear Count," interrupted Beatrice, "do not talk any more about mamma. I am anxious to get at the compliments. Do pray let your indiscretion be as ostentatious as possible. I cannot wait another second."

There has been no recent earthquake in Europe." She gave a little gesture of assent. "Not in Europe no! But in America in California there has been a terrible one!" "In California!" he echoed amazedly-"Gran' Dio! You do not mean to say that you brought these people from California, across that vast extent of ocean?" She smiled. "By air-ship yes! Really nothing so very remarkable!

Come nearer, priest of the divine Alexander; and you too consider the marvel, Theocritus, Antigonus, Dio, Pandion, Paulinus. Compare the face of the female figure with this girl by my side. The master carved this Roxana long before she was born. You are surprised? As Alexander's soul dwells in me, so she is Roxana, restored to life.

"O Giustizia di Dio, quanto è severa,..." yet Dante's will beggar it.

A woman who did all these, and diversified the intervals with spinning on the great and little wheel, never came to need the gymnastics of Dio Lewis or of the Swedish motorpathist, which really are a necessity now. Does it not seem poor economy to pay servants for letting our muscles grow feeble, and then to pay operators to exercise them for us?

The programs announced that it was the second appearance in America of Angelo Diotti, the renowned Tuscan violinist. The orchestra had perfunctorily ground out the overture to "Der Freischuetz," the baritone had stentorianly emitted "Dio Possente," the soprano was working her way through the closing measures of the mad scene from "Lucia," and Diotti was number four on the program.

Having scattered the sticks we had collected for our fire, we clambered into the hollow tree, followed by Boxer, and drew in after us the pieces of bark, one of which was of sufficient size to block up the whole of the entrance. We kept two small apertures, through which Dio and I could look on the proceedings of the red-skins.

"We were making our way towards it, when the increasing loudness of the hound's voice convinced us that we could not reach it before we should be overtaken. Had there been two dogs, I should have told Dio to remain with me, but as there was but one I determined to tackle the brute, and directed him to hurry on to the cavern, where I should join him.

The sooner we are away from this the better, but I should like to see poor Dio before we go, and again thank him for the service he has rendered us." We went round to the stables, where we found Dio, who was grooming the horses. My father, finding that no one else was present, put several dollars into his hand.