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They did not see me at all; I was hidden in the organ-loft, and through the balustrade I descried the coffin of poor Nourrit. Thanks to the revivifying influences of spring and Dr. Cauviere's attention and happy treatment, Chopin was able to accompany George Sand on a trip to Genoa, that vaga gemma del mar, fior delta terra.

The triangular space enclosed by these two branches and the sea-coast was called by the Greeks the delta, on account of the likeness in shape to the Greek letter of that name A. At the head, or apex, of the triangle stands the famous barrage, or dam, begun in 1847 by Mehemet Ali, for the twofold purpose of reclaiming many thousand acres of waste land, and of regulating the discharge and the navigation through the Delta.

Throwing a shell about six inches in diameter of high explosive, it could in three bursts do more damage than a whole company could repair in a night. And regularly twice a week three shells were dropped along Delta Road, a communication trench forming the third side of the little salient.

"Dat's her! dat's Miss Lady!" said Bill to his new friend, in a low voice. "Han'somest young lady in de hull Delta. Dey'll all be right glad ter see de Cunnel back. He's got a b'ah sho', fer he's comin' a- blowin'."

Indeed, he sought by all possible means to aid the labours of the savants, whose dissertations were now heard in the large hall of the harem that formerly resounded only to the twanging of lutes, weary jests, and idle laughter. The labours of the savants were not confined to Cairo and the Delta.

Mile after mile we marched over sharp stones, wading through another troublesome delta fully a mile in width with eight streams, and crossing a flat basin of pointed pebbles. At last, to our great comfort, we came to smooth grass-land. Here the Kuti River flowed through a large basin, not unlike the one near which we had camped the night before.

A. five miles distant south-west from this point is Fort William, where the Lochy joins an arm of the sea, called Loch Eil. Vertical lines. Cols or watersheds at the heads of the glens once the westward outlet of the lakes. Dots. Conspicuous delta deposits as laid down by Mr.

She refused to travel except in the cool of the morning and of the afternoon; if she felt the fatigue of an hour's journey, she rested a day at the next town; she consulted astrologers, and moved forward only under propitious signs; she insisted on following the Nile until she was opposite Tanis, instead of taking the highway at On and continuing across the Delta.

Now the booming ground was empty, save for those decaying, teredo-eaten sticks, and the camp was a tumbledown ruin when he passed. He wondered if the valley of the Toba were wholly deserted, if the forests of virgin timber covering the delta of that watercourse had been left to their ancient solitude. But he did not stop to puzzle over this.

Corriere delta Sera, August 20, 1919. L'Humanité, May 21, 1919. The Nation, August 23, 1919. Chief of the Austrian police at Vienna Congress in the years 1814-15. In L'Echo de Paris, March 2,1919. Cf. The Daily Telegraph, March 4th. Le Gaulois, March 8, 1919. Cf. The Daily Telegraph, March 10th. Cf. Cf. Report of Dr. Jacques Bertillon. Cf. L'Information, January 20, 1919. Cf.