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"Take any collection of seventy men the sum of whose ages divided by seventy gives an average age of thirty-four which is the mean age of our corps, for I've worked it out: then by the most favourable rates of mortality three at least should die every year." "War is a fearful thing!" commented Captain Pond. "But, dammit, I'm putting the argument on a civilian basis!

"Pooh, sir! I say dammit! are ye mad, sir, to go bowing and scraping to a gate-post, as though it were an Admiral of the Fleet or Nelson himself are ye mad or only drunk, sir? I say, what d' ye mean?" Here Barnabas put on his hat and opened the book.

Curious, Nevan walked around the ship until he found its ID and then he sent another caustic comment to one of the newest gods. *Dammit, Kelly, if you want me to deliver your blades to Owajima, how about some cooperation instead of all these problems?* The destroyer was the IHD Warleader Riordan, a ship from the Fiftieth Fleet, which meant it was crewed primarily by Sandemans.

"Ach, dammit, wha can be bothered wi' thae kind o' folk yapping roun' about when yer washin' yerself. He micht ken no' to come at this time, when men are comin' hame frae their work," and he went on with his splashing. "Here, gi'e my back a rub," and he lay over the tub while she washed his back from the shoulders downward, making it clean and free from the coal dust and grime.

A dim, shapeless figure in the black of the doorway, scrabbling of fingers on the wall. "Where are you, dammit?" said the voice, apparently addressing the electric-light switch. Jill shrank back, desperate fingers pressing deep into the back of an arm-chair. Light flashed from the wall at her side. And there, in the doorway, stood Wally Mason in his shirt-sleeves.

"As I told Sergeant King, I'd donate myself, as often as I could, except that I'm told that if I do it even once, I'll become a Kin. And that would cost me my career, something I'm not willing to give up." "More to the point," the Count said, "you think it would cost you your team." Dammit, Thompson thought, couldn't she give him any slack?

Going to church socials is about the cheapest form of recreation I can think of." The bitterness of her tone seemed to pull Flint up with a round turn. "Well, we're going to get you out of this silly church-social habit. Dammit all, Stillman isn't the only possibility in sight. That's just what I wanted to get at your viewpoint. I take an interest in you, Miss Robson a tremendous interest.

"Where are you going? dammit!" Malcourt looked at him humorously, head on one side. "I am not perfectly sure, dear friend. I hate to know all about a thing before I do it. Otherwise there's no sporting interest in it." "You mean to tell me that you're going off a-gipsying without any definite plans?" "Gipsying?" he laughed. "Well, that may perhaps describe it. I don't know; I have no plans.

Dammit, humans and Traiti had been at war for years, and he was human in everything but the past day's experiences! Well, he was adapting; that was another fact he had to accept. He returned Hovan's smile and touched one of the deadly claws. "I'm in your hands." Morning at Ch'kara's main clanhome on Norvis came in the middle of Hovan's sleep period.

"Now come the threats and demands," said Coburn. "Perhaps." But Dillon seemed to hesitate. "Dammit, Coburn, you're a reasonable man. Try to think like us a moment. What would you do if you'd started to explore space and came upon a civilized race, as we have?" Coburn said formidably, "We'd study them and try to make friends." "In that order," said Dillon instantly. "That's what we've tried to do.