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"Kid," he said sharply but kindly, "you're too good a hound for the desert. The city needs you here and, dammit, you keep on sniffing." Turning to the unsettled girl beside him, he went on briskly: "Work guardedly; query us when you have to; be sure of your facts, and consign your soul to God. Do I see you moving?" And when Farriss looked again he did.

And do you think I've been driving that stagecoach hell-bent from here to beyond because I'd no other way to kill time? Wasn't another darned man in the outfit I'd trust, that's why. If I take the Indians back, I've got to have some real boys." Luck's voice was plaintive, and a little bit desperate. "Well, dammit, have your real boys! I never said you shouldn't.

"Sir," said he, "I wish you good-by and a prosperous voyage, and may you find yourself too much a man ever to fall so low as 'fashion, I say dammit! The bread and meat, sir, are for a young fool who thinks, like yourself, that the World of Fashion is the world.

In this fight it's going to be better to be a young officer, followed and loved because of his youth, than to be an old one, followed and trusted because of his knowledge. Dammit! I wish I could make you see it. But, for God's sake, be enthusiastic. Be enthusiastic over the great crisis, over the responsibility, over your amazingly high calling."

She found him irresistible when she noticed that he was wearing a suit she instantly knew by its quality could only come from Harvey's. On the planet of glaciers and volcanoes, Holden fumed. "Dammit!" he protested. "They talk like we're lepers! Like if we ever come back we'll be carriers of some monstrous disease that will wipe out the human race!

I think it's a pose on her part, this calling herself a companion. An English joke, eh? As a matter of fact, she's an old friend of Sara's and my brother's too. Knew them in England. Most delightful girl. Oh, I say, old man, she's the one for you to paint." Leslie waxed enthusiastic. "A type, a positive type. Never saw such eyes in all my life. Dammit, they haunt you. You dream about 'em."

Rocket crews get into suits and prepare to board this Plumie " "Countermand!" bellowed the skipper from the speaker beside Baird's ear. "Those orders are canceled! Dammit, if we were successfully boarded we'd blow ourselves to bits! Those are our orders! D'you think the Plumies will let their ship be taken? And wouldn't we blow up with them? Mr.

"And dammit, sir," cried the Congressman, "do you mean to tell us that we have to go against our will without even being consulted back to Queenstown?" "I mean to tell you so, sir." "Well, by the gods, that's an outrage, and I won't stand it, sir. I must be in New York by the 27th. I won't stand it, sir." "I am very sorry, sir, that anybody should be delayed." "Delayed?

"Good Lord! can't you cut that school-girl-to-her-dignified-guardian attitude. I'm human. Dammit all, I'm as human as your friend Ned Stillman. I'll bet you don't yes-sir and no-sir him.... You know, that night I saw you at the Palace you quite bowled me over. I'd been thinking of you as a shy, unsophisticated young thing. But you were hitting the high places like a veteran.

Ought to be off Newfoundland by now." The drinks came. Stanley raised his glass, drank, smiling. Stoddard followed, but he did not smile. "Can you bear a shock, old chap?" He blurted. "I they dammit man the ship's been wrecked." Francisco set his glass down quickly. He was white. "The The Raratonga?" Stoddard nodded. There was silence. Then, "Was any-body drowned?" Stanley did not need an answer.