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Updated: July 31, 2024

She turned to her sister-in-law: "I think Miss Pendarth knew poor Cecil years and years ago," she said softly. "Are you you must be Olivia Pendarth?" There was a touch of emotion in Alice Crofton's level voice. "Yes, I am Olivia Pendarth." Enid was surprised not over pleased by the revelation that these two knew one another. "I suppose it's a long time since you met?" she said pleasantly.

The doctor's evidence made painful reading, but what had really clinched the matter was the evidence of one Piper, the Croftons' general odd man and trusted servant. He had been Colonel Crofton's batman during part of the war, and was evidently much attached to him.

Then she remembered her husband had read aloud Mrs. Crofton's pretty, well-turned letter the letter which explained that the writer was looking out for a country house, and would like to find one at Beechfield if possible, as her friend, Godfrey Radmore, had described it as being the most beautiful village in England.

"How disgusting!" exclaimed his mother, feeling herself now on firm ground. "How often have I had to tell you, Timmy, not to go into other people's kitchens and sculleries? No nice boy, no little gentleman, would do such a thing. Of course it was seeing that photograph made you believe you saw Colonel Crofton's "

I fear that the rest of the men who were prisoners on board have perished." "I am thankful that he has been saved," said Rayner. "It would well-nigh have broken Mrs Crofton's and her daughter's hearts if they had heard that he had died in so dreadful a manner, though to be sure no one would have known of it unless we had fallen in with the raft."

Crofton's eye as she passed out first, but of course he failed, and as he came back to the table, he observed: "I do hope Betty won't be too tired to come into the drawing-room. Mrs. Crofton was saying the other day that she wished she knew her better." He was in a softened mood, the kind of mood which makes a man not only say, but think, pleasant things. And then Mr.

"They had a mighty good time, no doubt about it!" he declared, when the last reluctant guest had departed in the last small car which had waited at the edge of the roadway. His eye chanced to fall on his father-in-law, Mr. Thomas Crofton, as he made this assertion. The party were sitting in a group upon the lantern-lighted porch and its steps, and the senior Crofton's face was plainly visible.

It had also become plain to him though he was not a man to look out for such things that the husband and wife were now on very indifferent terms, the one with the other, and, on the whole, he blamed the wife and then, just before he had started for home again, had come the surprising news of Colonel Crofton's death!

"I thought Miss Crofton was on the best of terms with her sister-in-law." "So she is; but she wanted to know more than Mrs. Crofton was inclined to tell her about the circumstances the really extraordinary circumstances, Janet concerning Colonel Crofton's death.

An accident awakened Miss Crofton's suspicions last night, and she very wisely discontinued the medicine. I have analysed it since she gave it me, and find that a certain portion of irritant poison has been mixed with it. For some moments after he had finished speaking Mrs. Darrell remained silent, looking at him fixedly with that awful death-like face.

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