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It was during her brief engagement to Colonel Crofton, and the latter's sister, without being over cordial, had been quite pleasant to the startlingly pretty little woman, who had made such a fool of her brother. But at the time of Colonel Crofton's death, his sister had been truly kind.

She did, for the dog was close to Mrs. Crofton's arm the arm hanging over the side of the sofa, you know." "Oh, Timmy! How very, very wrong of you to do such a thing!" "I know it was wrong." Timmy twisted himself about. "But it's no good you saying that to me now it only makes me more miserable." "But I have to say so, my boy." Janet was not a Scotch mother for nothing.

Small wonder that during that long, dull Sunday, spent perforce in her bedroom, Enid Crofton's mind often took refuge in the thought of the only man now in her life with whom all her memories and all her relations had been, and were, absolutely satisfactory. Captain Tremaine was a simple, happy, cheerful soul.

D'you mean that you saw the cat fly at her before it happened?" She had known the boy to have such strange, vivid premonitions of events which had come to pass. But Timmy answered slowly: "No, I don't mean that. I mean, Mum, that I wanted to try an experiment. I wanted to see if Josephine would see what Flick saw I mean if she'd see the ghost of Colonel Crofton's dog.

There came back to Enid Crofton the very last words uttered by Piper, the clever, capable man who, after having been Colonel Crofton's batman in the War, had become their general factotum in Essex: "Don't you go and be startled, ma'am, if you see the very spit of Dandy in this 'ere village!

I don't know how long it's been since I thought o' that ride, and maybe I never would 'a' thought of it again if that boy of Joe Crofton's hadn't put me in mind of it." I dropped my butter-beans for a moment and assumed a listening attitude, and without any further solicitation, and in the natural course of events, the story began.

Rayner was not aware that Mr Saltwell had obtained permission for Pierre to go back with his father, and was much surprised on being directed to go to Mrs Crofton's, and to escort him on board the brig.

"I didn't knock," said Timmy shortly, "it was my godfather who knocked, Mrs. Crofton." And when Radmore followed his godson into the room he was surprised, even a little touched, at the warmth of Mrs. Crofton's greeting.

"Stay just where you are, daughter," he said, "till I come back." She waited, staring at the old crimson pillow with eyes which saw again the drawing-room in Aunt Olivia's apartment and the profile of Doctor Craig's face as he turned from her at Chester Crofton's interrupting question. That was more than three weeks ago

Then had come the short interval in Egypt during which the Croftons had met Godfrey Radmore, and, after that for Enid, another delightful stretch of London life. She had felt it intolerable to go back to the old, dull life, on an income which seemed smaller than ever with rising prices, and everything sacrificed, or so it had seemed to her, to Colonel Crofton's new, dog-breeding hobby.