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On a vivid morning of early summer, when the lemon-trees in the cortile looked as if they had been cut out of metal, and the planes and very poplars were unwinking in the thick blue air, Amilcare came into his wife's room. She had not expected him; he found her lying dishevelled and unbusked, with all her glossy hair tumbled loose.

It was a magnificent erection of the late seventeenth century, at this moment half furnished, dilapidated, and forsaken. But the entresol on the eastern side of the cortile was in good condition, and comfortably fitted up for the occasional use of the Principe. As he was wintering in Paris, he had let his rooms at an ordinary commercial rent to his kinswoman, Donna Laura.

In Italy the staircase is often in the open air, surrounding the interior court of the house, and giving access to its various galleries or loggias: in this case it is almost always supported by bold shafts and arches, and forms a most interesting additional feature of the cortile, but presents no peculiarity of construction requiring our present examination.

You are in a cortile: men say there is an inn here with reasonable entertainment. If it is the Aquila Nera, it will serve. There is no sound beyond the labouring of our horses' wind and of some outland dog in the far distance baying for a moon. This is Siena at her black magic. I maintain that the impression you thus receive holds you. Next morning there is a blare of sun.

A new cloister had been erected there an elegant little cortile, thirty-eight feet by thirty-two, adorned with lovely Corinthian pillars and the Brethren were anxious to fill the lunettes of the arches with frescoes at the least possible expense, wisely judging that a young artist on his way to fame would be the best to employ.

Nave, Torcello. | 17. Nave, Torcello. | 18. Ca' Falier, Venice. 5. South transept, St. Mark's. | 19. St. Zeno, Verona. 6. Northern portico, upper shafts, | 20. San Stefano, Venice. St. Mark's. | 21. Another of the same group. | 22. Nave, Salisbury. 8. Cortile of St. Ambrogio, Milan. | 23. Santa Fosca, Torcello. 9. Nave shafts, St. Michele, Pavia.| 24. Nave, Lyons Cathedral. 10.

The air was mild for mid-March; between the ridged tiles of the cortile, which ran up to a great height, I could see a square of pale blue sky; gnats were busy in the beam of dusty light which slanted across the shade; I heard the bees about the lemon-bush droning of a quiet and opulent summer hovering near-by. It was a very peaceful and well-disposed world just then.

It had a large court with a marble stairway, and was therefore called the Palazzo del Cortile. This court is doubtless the one now known as the Cortile Ducale. It was entered from the Piazza through a high archway, at the sides of which were columns which formerly supported statues of Niccolò III and Borso. Here she was received by the Marchioness Gonzaga and numerous other prominent ladies.

On they went into the vestibule, chilly and comfortless, of the Scala Pia; and so up the stone stairs to the Cortile do San Damaso, and thence towards the steps which lead to the Pope's private apartments.

Over head an inextricable confusion of rugged shutters, and iron balconies and chimney flues pushed out on brackets to save room, and arched windows with projecting sills of Istrian stone, and gleams of green leaves here and there where a fig-tree branch escapes over a lower wall from some inner cortile, leading the eye up to the narrow stream of blue sky high over all.