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James Henry had ranged himself strongly on the peace side. Indeed the household were a unit with the exception of Andrew, who held his temper bravely when the talk was of the condemnatory order. There had been no open rupture on the little girl's account. In a way James Henry resigned some of his powers, though he kept the trusteeship, and was sharp to see to the accounting of money matters.

He wondered what Rosemary Roselle had written about in her absurd English this time. As he looked at the theme's exterior, his attention shifted from the paper to himself, his conscience towered darkly above him, demanding a condemnatory examination of his feelings and impulses. Had he not begun to look for, to desire, those essays from a doubtless erroneous and light young woman?

The Governor-General's speech at the opening of the session was marked by tact, moderation, and good sense. A strong Opposition, however, soon began to manifest itself, and Mr. Neilson, of Quebec, moved an amendment to the Address directly condemnatory of the Union. The amendment was defeated by a vote of 50 to 25.

It was nearly impossible to her to keep the oppressive secret, which seemed crushing her into deception and misery, and her own muteness appeared to herself more condemnatory than any words could be. But Madame did not notice her silence, and her grief was only natural. Phebe's tears fell like balm on Madame's aching heart.

I very nearly broke out again when the one who was hit looked up and exclaimed, "What dat for, Pompey, you scoundrel you? What you tink me made of, hey?" The judge took no notice of this address, but coolly went on summing up the evidence placed before him. It was, I must own, clearly condemnatory of most of the prisoners.

When he came to the eighth verse, and read, "They that make them are like unto them, so is every one that trusteth in them," there were indignant murmurs; for these untutored peasants, whatever their church might teach about such subtleties as worshipping God through pictures, accepted the condemnatory words in simplicity. "Why are you angry?" asked the colporteur, looking round.

Only your own noble self could so delicately seek to relieve me from a painful embarrassment; but our relations invest you with both rights and privileges, which for my sake at least, I prefer you should exercise. You must allow me to conclude my sentence; you are entitled to my opinion when matured. As far as I am capable of judging, the evidence against her is overwhelmingly condemnatory.

Only the police would not look further than these two men Lord Brockelsby with a strong motive and the night porter's hesitation against him, and Beddingfield without a motive, but with strong circumstantial evidence and his own disappearance as condemnatory signs. "If only they would look at the case as I did, and think a little about the dead as well as about the living.

You see what he said was not so much an expression of doubt as a sort of question." A touch of the lofty condemnatory made Mr. Palford impressive. "I am compelled to admit that I fear that it was a question of which he had already guessed the answer," he said. At this point Miss Alicia clasped her hands quite tightly together upon her knees.

Eleanor and Anne exchanged glances and smiled, for they understood that Barbara meant to be condemnatory in her manner; but Polly, in her very guilelessness, countered the city girl's disparagement. "It's too bad we couldn't have had him come home with us," added Eleanor, teasingly, to Barbara. "Dear me, Nolla!