United States or South Sudan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But there is in the juvenile mind at any given moment a certain amount of abstract combativeness, let us call it, which must find an outlet somewhere. Hatred is a natural function of the human mind, just as much as love; and the healthy boy instinctively exercises it under the guise of patriotism, without clearly distinguishing the element of sheer play and pose in his transports.

The Doctor looked at him with a kind of smile, not a very pleasant one; for it was an unamiable characteristic of his temper that a display of spirit, even in a child, was apt to arouse his immense combativeness, and make him aim a blow without much consideration how heavily it might fall, or on how unequal an antagonist. "If you insist upon an answer, Master Ned, you shall have it," replied he.

"Except, I believe, the Enterprise, which is a sister-vessel. By heaven! it's a fair match," continued Cain, his feelings of combativeness returning for a moment; "and it will look like a craven to refuse the fight: but fear not, Francisco I have promised you, and I shall keep my word." Cain went on deck, and surveyed the vessel through the glass.

"By whose orders, Monsieur l'Abbe?" she inquired with a dangerous gentleness. Then the priest realized that she meant fight, and all his combativeness leapt, as it were, to meet hers. His eyes flashed in the gloom of the twilit church. "I, mademoiselle," he said, with that humility which is nought but an aggravated form of pride.

Patriotism is largely pride, and very largely combativeness. Patriotism generally has a chip on its shoulder. This country had no other country to measure itself by save the few poor savages far below, with whom they had no contact. They loved their country because it was their nursery, playground, and workshop theirs and their children's.

On the day of polling he and his retainer Andy went down to the 'Corner, the latter with very enlarged anticipations of fun, and perchance a 'row. His master noticed him trimming a sapling into a splendid 'shillelagh, with a slender handle and heavy head as ever did execution in a faction fight upon Emerald soil. The very word election had excited his bump of combativeness.

His hands are big; his arm is big; his head is big. The occiput is especially full, and the width of head just over the ears is noticeable. There is plenty of room for the organs of combativeness.

All the combativeness of her irrascible disposition, and the zeal of her cold and haughty faith, she had dedicated to politics and religion. "For God and for the King," Febrer had heard her say, on visiting her once when he was a boy.

The consequence is, that boys who have the longing for amusement strongest within them, and plenty of combativeness to back it, are the standing terror of good society, and our Fourth of July is a day of fear to all invalids and persons of delicate nervous organization, and of real, appreciable danger of life and limb to every one."

Still, at bottom he would always, I think, feel the business to be first in the nature of a contest with a force which was trying to down him personally. In this contest he is being stretched, and steeled that is, hardened and confirmed in the very quality of stubborn combativeness which was already his first characteristic.