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Some wore hats similar to those made of silk or beaver which are worn by ourselves in Britain, but so bedizened with scarlet cock-tail feathers, and silver cords and tassels, as to leave the original form of the head-dress a matter of great uncertainty. These hats, however, are only used on high occasions, and chiefly by the fops.

I do not know what "Que voulez les messieurs?" means, but such was his remark. Our general said, "We will take a whiskey straight." "Well, if you don't know what that is, give us a champagne cock-tail." "Well, then, give us a sherry cobbler." The Frenchman was checkmated. This was all Greek to him. "Give us a brandy smash!"

Charley threw forward his gun, took a short, wavering aim, and blew the cock-tail feather out of Baptiste's hat; while the gull sailed tranquilly away, as much as to say, "If that's all you can do, there's no need for me to hurry!" "Confound the boy!" cried Mr. Park. "You'll be the death of someone yet; I'm convinced of that."

I do not know what "Que voulez les messieurs?" means, but such was his remark. Our general said, "We will take a whiskey straight." "Well, if you don't know what that is, give us a champagne cock-tail." "Well, then, give us a sherry cobbler." The Frenchman was checkmated. This was all Greek to him. "Give us a brandy smash!"

I do not know what "Que voulez les messieurs?" means, but such was his remark. Our general said, "We will take a whiskey straight." "Well, if you don't know what that is, give us a champagne cock-tail." "Well, then, give us a sherry cobbler." The Frenchman was checkmated. This was all Greek to him. "Give us a brandy smash!"

I told him that being invited to a fish breakfast with the General at the 'White House, I would forbear to liquor until I had made my bow. "'S'pose you'll take the customary gin cock-tail, Mr. Smooth? the negro rejoined, with an anxious air. Evincing my surprise at such a proposition, I assured him I did not know its meaning. 'Don't know what it is! he exclaimed, with a deep sigh.

C'est l'eau benite, as the English lord said to the garçon at the Milles Colonnes, when he first tasted real parfait amour. C'est beaucoup mieux, Milor, answered the waiter with a profound reverence. Gin-sling, cock-tail, mint-julep, are about as vulgar as blue ruin and old tom at home; but sherry cobbler is an affair of consideration only never pound your ice, always rasp it.

"Well, when the men get to their offices, they are half roasted alive, and have to take ices to cool them, and then for fear the cold will heat them, they have to take brandy cock-tail to counteract it. So they keep up a sort of artificial fever and ague all day. The ice gives the one, and brandy the other, like shuttlecock and battledore.

"Have a 'cock-tail, Miss Rolleston?" said Captain Wilmot, of the Fusiliers. "I have just made a capital one; and then may I steer you down on my toboggin?" Cecil accepted both propositions. "But do take mine, for I have never tried it yet." "What a beauty," said Lilla, enviously. "It doesn't look over strong, though; I shouldn't wonder if it broke in two.

Count Bunker, rightly conceiving this to indicate a cock-tail, replied that he would, and in as nearly seven and a half seconds as he could calculate, a tray appeared with two of these remarkable compounds. Following his host's example, the Count threw his down at a gulp. "The same," said Mr. Maddison simply. And in an almost equally brief space the same arrived.