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Updated: August 23, 2024

Of course I can go away until we get some one to take Anna's place, but you'd be here alone at night, and if the youngster had an attack " "Oh, no, don't leave him!" "It's holiday time. There are no clinics until next week. If you'll put up with me " "Put up with you, when it is your apartment I use, your food I eat!" She almost choked. "Peter, I must talk about money." "I'm coming to that.

Ed waited until he had made his stiff-necked exit. Then he took the two dollars, and, putting the money into an envelope, indorsed it in his illegible hand. He heard his brother's step on the stairs, and Dr. Ed made haste to put away the last vestiges of his little operation. Ed's lapses from surgical cleanliness were a sore trial to the younger man, fresh from the clinics of Europe.

In Jerusalem an infants' welfare bureau was instituted, where mothers were seen before and after childbirth, infants' clinics were established, a body of health was formed, and a kitchen was opened to provide food for babies and the poor.

Without referring to the suffering and anxiety spared, the expense of this service will far more than be saved the State in the prevention of illness and premature death. L. D. Cruickshank, School Clinics at Home and Abroad.

"You will enjoy the second one just as much, for you're a born sailor, and there'll be a long succession of voyages for you to look back upon by and by. Not just my annual pilgrimages to foreign clinics, but journeys to the ends of the earth if you like. Will that suit you, eager-eyed one?" "Suit me? Oh, wonderful to think of! Am I eager-eyed really?

Consultation rooms in charge of reputable physicians who have specialized in contraception, assisted by registered nurses in a word, clinics designed for this specialty, would meet this crying need. Such clinics should deal with each woman individually, taking into account her particular disease, her temperament, her mentality and her condition, both physical and economic.

With the assistance of American and European Bahá’í helpers, clinics and other medical facilities followed. As early as 1925, communities in a number of cities had instituted classes in Esperanto, in response to their awareness of the Bahá’í teaching that some form of auxiliary international language must be adopted.

In fact he believed his condition was permanent and incurable especially since he had been treated at various neurological clinics for many weeks past without the slightest improvement or progress. Were we to follow up this history we could unearth the full life history of this patient, including the genesis of his early attack of aphonia.

In addition to the care of her father and the superintendence of the building of the new house, King Eng was kept very busy in the hospital, interpreting for the physicians in the daily clinics, and working among the in-patients. This experience was invaluable to her at this time in giving her a clearer knowledge of the especial preparation needed in her future work.

We are all familiar with the attention which was directed some years ago to the statements coming from French clinics that the treatment of glaucoma should include the administration of osmotic substances as adjuvants in the reduction of increased intra-ocular tension.

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