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Eustace had nothing of the solicitor's clerk about him. Clearly he was not a client. Mr. Short was in "that door to the right." Mr. James Short was a short, stout young man, with black eyes, a hooked nose, and a prematurely bald head.

This drew the attention of M. Fille, who raised his head reprovingly he could not get rid of the feeling that he was in court, and that a case was being tried; and the severity of a Judge is naught compared with the severity of a Clerk of the Court, particularly if he is small and unmarried, and has no one to beat him into manageable humanity. M. Fille's voice was almost querulous.

Willie Haslam, the clerk at the Company's Post, had learned a trick or two at cards in the east, and imagined that he could, as he said himself, "roast the cock o' the roost" meaning Pierre. He had had the misfortune to prefer Kitty to the other girls at Guidon Hill though Nellie Sanger would have been as much to him, if Kitty had been easier to win.

The Speaker in turn passed it to the clerk, who read the title of the act and the other records, and then, committing them to the flames, cried out in a loud voice, "God save the State and preserve her rights, and may every attempt to injure them perish as these wicked and corrupt acts now do!"

Her maternal solicitude lest Ada should be charmed with the poor young clerk on the passage over had cost me weeks of longer stay. For at this stage a request for any further transfer would have been ridiculous and wrong. As easy to settle it now as to arrange for any one else; so the first of April found me still in London, but leaving it on the morrow for home.

He wants to send me some money not to see me again. He was afraid that I might be in want." "And what have you done, Milly?" "I said I would not take a penny. And I asked the clerk Mr. Johnson, they call him not to say that he had seen me. I didn't tell him where I lived." "Did he say that he would not tell his master?" "Yes, he promised. I think he will keep his word.

Thornton had neglected his father in his hour of need. He had merely sent a clerk to make inquiries after all was over. The elder Langhetti, Brandon knew, was dead. Where were the others? None of them, at any rate, had interfered. There remained the family of Despard. Brandon was aware that the Colonel had a brother in the army, but where he was he knew not nor did he care.

Accordingly soon after they went on board, they were attacked with it. All the Danes are sent out of her; and her upper deck is converted into an hospital; and the surgeon has declared the ship to be infectious; and no one communicates with her but such as supply the ship and attend the sick. While "sick and imprisoned," Mr. Beasly "visited us not"; but sent his clerk, a Mr.

Toward the middle of October, about the time of the beechnut harvest, M. Eustache Destourbet, justice of the Peace of Auberive, accompanied by his clerk, Etienne Seurrot, left his home at Abbatiale, in order to repair to the Chateau of Vivey, where he was to take part in removing the seals on some property whose owner had deceased.

She entered the office and addressed the chief reception clerk. "Can you tell me," she asked, "if Mr. Hamilton Fynes is staying here? He should have arrived by the Lusitania last night or early this morning." It is not the business of a hotel reception clerk to appear surprised at anything. Nevertheless the man looked at her, for a moment, with a curious expression in his eyes. "Mr.