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Associated with Laclede in his fur-trading operations at the new post was a lithe young man named Pierre Chouteau. In 1846 eighty-two years afterwards Francis Parkman sat on the spacious veranda of Pierre Chouteau's country house near the city of St.

"Wait a bit, you scoundrels, just wait, and I'll attend to your case! deserting and getting drunk while the rest of your company were under fire!" But Chouteau would have none of his reprimand. "See here, you old lunatic, I want you to understand that the grade of lieutenant is abolished; we are all free and equal now.

The others were also beginning to growl and show their teeth, and Jean thought it time that he should interfere. "Silence there! I will report the first man who says another word!" But Chouteau sneered and jeered at him; what did he care whether he reported him or not!

Chouteau, who had been given the squad's rice to carry, fatigued and exasperated with his heavy load, watched for an opportunity when no one was looking and dropped the package. But Loubet had seen him. "See here, that's no way! you ought not to do that. The comrades will be hungry by and by." "Let be!" replied Chouteau. "There is plenty of rice; they will give us more at the end of the march."

"I wonder if that is the advance against the enemy that they have been dinning in our ears of late! Strikes me as rather queer! No sooner do we get into camp than we turn tail and make off, never even stopping to taste our soup." The derisive laughter became louder, and Maurice, who was next to Chouteau in the ranks, took sides with him.

The other division, which included Bourgain-Desfeuilles' brigade, bivouacked on a wide plateau, bordered by an oak wood, behind the church. There was such confusion in locating the bodies of troops that it was dark before the 106th could move into its position at the edge of the wood. "Zut!" said Chouteau in a furious rage, "no eating for me; I want to sleep!"

"Monsieur," I said, "I bring letters to you from Monsieur Gratiot and Colonel Chouteau of St. Louis. One of these I had the honor to deliver to Madame de St. Gre, and here is the other." "Ah," he said, with another keen glance, "I met you this morning, did I not?" "You did, Monsieur." He broke the seal, and, going to the edge of the gallery, held the letter to the light.

Rochas, overpowered by sleep, wrapped his cloak about him, threw himself down on the bare ground, as he had done many a time before. Maurice and Jean sought the shelter of the tent, into which were crowded, a confused tangle of arms and legs, Loubet, Chouteau, Pache, and Lapoulle, their heads resting on their knapsacks.

From time to time also I saw Colonel Chouteau shaking with laughter. As for me, it was impossible to be angry at Nick for any space. Nobody else would have carried off a girl in the face of her rivals for a moonlight row on a pond a mile away.

George Drewyer return from St Louis and brought 99 Dollars, he lost a letter from Cap Lewis to me, Seven Ladies visit me to day Stoddard, Lieuts. Milford & Worrell together with Messrs. A. Chouteau, C. Gratiot, and many other respectable inhabitants of St. Louis, who had engaged to accompany me to the Vilage of St.