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Harding, too. I might be of use, possibly." "I'll ask him, sir. He's laying down on the bed, I do believe." Ellen hurried up-stairs with the card. It seemed to Malling that she was away for a long time. At last she returned. "If you please, sir, Mr. Chichester wants to know if it's anything important. He's feeling very bad, poor gentleman.

Men like Lord Naas, Sir Robert Peel the younger, and Mr. Chichester Fortescue afterwards Lord Carlingford were mere official cyphers, but after Mr. Gladstone's 1880 ministry this has never been the case. Of Sir Robert Peel it was wittily said that when Chief Secretary he went through the country on an outside car, which made him take a one-sided view of the Irish question.

Malling, do you know whom this telegram is from?" "How can I, or you, for that matter?" "It is from Henry Chichester, and it is to recall me to London." "It may be so." "It is so. Open it for me." Malling took the telegram from him and tore it open, while he sat heavily down by the table. "Please return if possible difficulties in the parish Benyon ill need your presence Chichester."

Certainly when he first spoke with them there had been something uneasy, a suspicion of strain, in the manner of both. But then he remembered how, before Chichester had turned round, they had been leaning amicably above the river. No, it could not be that. He sought mentally for some other reason.

The village is built on a low hill or cliff immediately above the "wild brooks" or water meadows of the Arun, and is famous for the picturesque remains of the palace of the Bishops of Chichester, which still edge the sandy hill in front of the village.

"And if I get fresh tutors for you, will you try to keep them?" "Yes, aunt." Mrs. Chichester questioned Alaric. "What do you think?" "We might risk it," replied Alaric, turning to his sister: "Eh, Ethel?" "Don't ask me," was Ethel's reply. "Very well," said Mrs. Chichester determinedly, "Begin to-night." "Begin what" queried Peg, full of curiosity. "To show that you mean to keep your promise.

Chichester shake with laughter. "He'll find it a slight difference after Lady Rylton's waltzing," says she to Marryatt. "He'll find a difference in every way. Lady Selton is devoted to her husband " "And Lady Rylton " "Well!" He hesitates. "How vague! But I know, I know! By-the-bye," with a swift change of tone that quite deceives him, "which do you admire most?" "Oh, Lady Rylton, of course.

For six weeks his days and nights were full; and then came twenty-four hours' leave and a swift journey into Sussex. He arrived at Rackham Park in the dusk of the evening. By a good chance he found Joan with Millie Splay and Sir Chichester alone. Sir Chichester welcomed him with cordiality. "My dear fellow, I am delighted to see you. You will stay the night, of course." "No," Harry answered.

As they came out of the little arbour it seemed as if Fate had changed the whole horizon for the Chichester family. Mrs. Chichester was happy in the consciousness that her home and her family would lie free from the biting grip of debt. Alaric, on the other hand, seemed to have all the sunlight suddenly stricken out of his life. Still, it was his DUTY, and duty was in the Chichester motto.

"You decide, mamma," from Ethel. "We might try it for a while, at least," said Mrs. Chichester. "Until we can look around," agreed Alaric. "Something may be saved from the wreck," reasoned Mrs. Chichester more hopefully. "Until I get really started," said Alaric with a sense of climax. Mrs. Chichester turned to her daughter: "Ethel?" "Whatever you decide, mamma." Mrs.